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WNBA Owner Says Caitlin Clark Fans Are BAD For The WNBA!??

Hello from Turkey!! In today’s video I react to the recent clip of WNBA Owner Renee Montgomery, where she calls out “Caitlin Clark fans” for racist, sexist, and violent language. Have certain WNBA fans gone too far!? Or is this simply a case of internet sports trolls heckling players? I give you my take.. plus we discuss Dearica Hamby’s lawsuit and a tweet the Atlanta Dream sent out shortly after Montgomery’s rant.

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  1. Didn’t those 2 sky player crying cause of the bullying talking about their own fans possibly Angel Reese fans? So it’s not just one player/team fans it’s a sector of trolls that will use any player/team as they tool to troll. This wnba personalities are also using the situation as a way to put Clark down cause they are jealous of her success.

  2. Love your channel. I was hoping when you mentioned the Chicago Sky situation that they said themselves how a lot of it was from the Chicago Sky fans. I don’t think nobody is going to mention that in the media

  3. This owner is just following the same line in that they feel they can become victims by playing the race card. Enough is enough.

  4. the internet trolls aren't real caitlin clark fans who go to games, buy merchandise and support the WNBA. They are the sad people who sit at home trolling multiple social media sites to try to get a rise out of people

  5. I didn't hear anything about race till they started saying Caitlin gets all the attention because she's white. That's when it all started.

  6. Not ready for the big time. Eventually, the big money backing this league will be forced to make some changes. Then the reality will set in. Wait for it

  7. How did Angel Reese know it was CC fans who did the AI thing or stalk her? How did she arrive at that conclusion?

  8. I think you need to comment on how the Indiana Fever team has helped Caitlin mature during her first season. Her temper has cost her several technicals; even though she rarely deserves them. But when she really gets heated, the team calms her down.

  9. It's strange and so similar with how you can compare the Caitlin Clark and Tiger Woods entering their sports and see the glaringly different reactions from they're competitors! With Tiger the PGA prize money and viewership substantially went up along with the praise for Tiger! With Caitlin the exact opposite reaction from her competitors! As for Sheryl Swoops saying black people can't be racist! I say bull on that! Why women so jealous? Probably in your DNA!

  10. I’m done hearing about Cheryl Swoops so thank you for that. You’re right she’s probably trying to make herself relevant.

  11. Great to hear someone that is very analytical and reasonable. My sport is boxing, don't watch much of anything in the sports world , I rather be camping , fishing ,hunting with grandkids. That said; CC is Joe Luis, Mike Tyson, Rocky Marciano, Tiger Woods, Tom Brady of sports, she is King Kong and a nice human being to boot.

  12. Don’t care how the sky players feel they brought it upon they self making dirty plays đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™‚ïž

  13. These toxic jealous females and dudes are a joke.

    Barkley said it best. They phucked this great thing up.

    They are the ones being hateful and toxic

    Nice job

  14. Could you imagine the out-roar if you uploaded a podcast and started saying "we built different" and started making accusations without showing receipts, because the stuff Indiana fans are being accused of is serious and should be investigated, it won't be hard to find out who these people are with everything having a digital fingerprint & i think Indiana should be saying more as she said "Caitlan has attached herself to it", i can see why people weren't interested in this league before now

  15. With everyone blaming caitlin fans, no one has even bothered to think about the other fan bases hating on caitlin because she never talks about it.

  16. The irony is that if Atlanta had the first pick in the draft they would have jumped on CC and been so excited and you would not hear anything from this co-owner

  17. The solution is easy. CC should go to Europe and the WNBA can return to irrelevance. Problem solved.

    Adam Silver needs to step in and get this clown show under control.

  18. The person in this video acts like she invented basketball , she didn’t James Naismith did in 1891.

  19. Caitlin Clark and her fans are a threat to the victim mentality of the WNBA establishment. She doesn’t see the game as an illustration of her oppression. She plays with a passion that she wants to share. Her fans are attracted to that and the positive image that has become her. The sponsors want to be part of it and so do many,many people. There are two worlds at odds if the dark victim mentality wins the WNBA will decline past the low that it was before because of how they have treated Caitlin.if they choose to embrace the more positive model than the game will grow.

  20. She is basically saying that she is also jealous of Caitlin's popularity increasing day by day…Trolls are common since the day Facebook,Twitter and Instagram were invented…It's nothing new…She can't tolerate the fact that a new girl in her rookie season is getting the spotlight that they can't even dream of…

  21. It is amazing how jealousy will just drive these people nuts. They couldn't move the needle and now they're joulous as hell.

  22. Wait so Caitlin Stan’s aren’t so bad bc Caitlin’s teammates are bullied also?? 😂😂😂 We get it, you’re clinging onto Caitlin to build your channel but everyone that disagrees isn’t a troll

  23. What no one wants to talk about is the huge amount of families now attending the games. The woke black community could never understand. They could never get the black community to accept and support them. This just goes to show how stupid and incompetent the leaders are in charge and need to be removed.

  24. Yeah, this owner is deranged. This is the payback for Jackie Robinson. It's like saying Jackie robinson fans were bad for Major League Baseball.

  25. The WNBA simply was not ready for the attention. The very same attention they've been starving for.

  26. The black woke narrative has evolved into believing everyone else is the problem and they are the victims. We see nothing but dad’s and daughters attending the games now. We’re are all the black dad’s with their daughters attending the games. This is just about family values and nothing more. The black community has never supported these so called professional athletes. That believe they are special entitled individuals.

  27. The media is the problem. Look at Baseball, the most diverse sport in America. Who would think baseball attendance increases yearly, not if your watching ESPN. But rather than pandering to a certain sacred 13%, baseball has ohtani, judge, skenes, altuve, they promote everyone. Take note WNBA, all it would take is CC, leaving and you're back to commercial maybe greyhounds

  28. If they'd given Caitlin the respect she deserves and didn't treat her like a punching bag on and off the court. This wouldn't have happened.

  29. Important points made: reminding the world of the history of other fans/teams/sports doing some of the same things gives perspective; where is the proof that this was a CC "fan"? Whose turn is it to watch Jussie Smollett this week? Don't lump all the good normal respectable fan base of 99.99% with a couple of idiots who do go too far and a are ugly parts of society. Would it be better to say: "Wow, we love so many new CC fans coming to watch the WNBA and other teams too, but also wow, the childishness and unacceptable behavior of a couple of nameless cowards on the internet. Hope they get a life. Thank you for all the great fans and people who come and cheer the passion, skills and team play of their favorite team."

  30. Hamby at this point is just another race arsonist pushing the point that the entire CC fan base and eventually CC is about white racism. There seems to be no end to this. In two years have to wonder if the league will just slink back into obscurity.

  31. THESE people think they are special, think they can change reality with what they say on their posts, but they can't, EVERYONE just sees straight through them


  33. People, obviously, enjoy seeing their own group or groups do well – race, team, gender -whatever – but this is not, necessarily, the main draw for students of the game. Fans enjoy seeing super achievers who seem to come out of nowhere. The street appearances of Steph Curry and C.Clark, for example, just, don't help predict their amazing hoop skills, and how much fun it is watching these two doing their things.At least In Caitlin's case, however, It's seems to be not fun at all if you, yourself, are also a skilled player, and all of Caitlin's attention and huge endorsements, just, reminds you that life is not fair.

  34. This is all so depressing. What should be an invigorating force coming in and challenging all players and managers to do better…is revealing an ineptness, jealously, pettiness and paranoia that, generally speaking, wasn't at the forefront before. I watched from 2001 to 2008, then stopped. This year I went back cause of CC, and now this. I discovered some great players on other teams too. This co-owner is encouraging hating, not just passionate cheering or even jeering the other team, but hating. Yes, go back to flying commercial, spending off season playing overseas so your injuries never heal and your career is shortened. Maybe some of them are so used to playing victims they don't know anything else. They are going to have to have their house in order and soon, otherwise this window WILL shut.

  35. owner probably think they will have to fork out more than 150k for the salary of an all-star level player. clark makes something like 75k in salary LOL… owners dont care about her or her fans, its all about the $ and her influence becoming more apparent (ie. shoe deal)

  36. just started checking out the WNBA and obviously CC was the draw. Looking at what I've seen online CC appears to be a gracious and talented player whereas within the WNBA there is animosity towards CC. Fans of CC see this as an injustice towards CC and are passionate in defending her. My point is if the WNBA wants to stop the cycle of hateful retoric then perhaps they should embrace the benefits (viewership, revenue) CC has brought to the league and give her the respect she deserves. As Charles Barkey eloquently put it "Stop being so petty WNBA!"

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