Golf Tips

Any swing advice appreciated :)

First swing is a 7 iron and second is driver.
Just any general advice would be great, just an average self taught golfer who plans to go get lessons with a pga pro over winter!

Side note: I get a sore lower back when I golf, anything in my swing maybe show why which I could change?

by Accomplished-Try1527


  1. fanglazy

    Slow down the vid and watch your head movement. Thats going to throw your trajectory all over the place.

    Also the hands follow the hips on the downswing. Try and get that front hip open earlier.

  2. D-Train0000

    Man. Get the tension out of your arms. You don’t need to hyper flex the left arm dude. Dead straight with the left isn’t right or wrong. You need to keep the natural soft bend in the left. It straightens out due to centrifugal force. Being that tight restricts natural movement. As your teacher I’d try to get the swing to have more flow to it. You look extremely rigid.

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