A good reminder how swift an 18 hole round should take. These times are for walking Gullane no.1, which is a busy and hilly course.

A good reminder how swift an 18 hole round should take. These times are for walking Gullane no.1, which is a busy and hilly course.

by Brutal_Ugly_Santa


  1. GolfGodsAreReal

    Shouldn’t be a problem unless you take too many practice swings, search for your lost ball on every hole and generally suck at golf. If you suck just learn to suck faster

  2. CoffeeBoy80

    Is that how long it should take or how long they want you to take so they can make more money?

  3. dleonard1122

    Places like this will then have 8 minute tee time intervals and then complain at the golfers for playing too slow.

  4. TheShopSwing

    Played No. 2 back in August. Absolutely majestic place. The view from the top of the hill is something else.

  5. occamsguillotine

    I snuck out for a quick 9 this morning, got the first tee time available right after she opened from maintenance. Light drizzle earlier and lots of overcast clouds must have scared a lot of the tee sheet off because the place was empty!

    Walked, took practice shots at every green, and finished in 85 minutes. It was so refreshing.

  6. What helps immensely with pace of play over there is how much stableford is played. Not having a bunch of people grinding over a 4 footer for a 10 is great.

  7. Current_Department73

    This is stupid. If a 4 hour round bothers you, find a new hobby. Don’t rush everyone because you don’t have enough time to actually enjoy a normal pace.

  8. I know that’s how it’s done in Europe and I get it but this pace feels a little rushed for me. I apologized to a guy I played 9 with yesterday for being slow (even though we were ahead of pace) because he learned the game in Britain. Boils down to “respect customs.” Shoot for 3:30 in Europe, keep pace in the US or aim for 4 hours. And hopefully you’re faster

  9. All these pace of play, sub 4 hour rounds are being pushed by courses to make more money and force you to spend less time doing your hobbies.

    No one is saying we should be playing five hour rounds but a 4ball in less then four hours? Thats just rushing around.

  10. 11 minutes per hole would be fine if tee times weren’t 7 minutes apart…

  11. Shameless522

    As a beginner I wouldn’t want to play there. I have no issue letting people play through and I try to be quick but it would just wreck my nerves trying to beat a clock on top of all the other stuff I’m trying to remember and do on my swing.

  12. billgluckman7

    Walked 4 rounds in 13.5 hours including transit and lunch… should be easy to do

  13. saintnyckk

    Last course I played at had 5 minute tee times. There were 3 groups waiting on the 1st hole to tee off that should’ve already been gone by the time my group got there. Front 9 took 3.5 hours alone. So ridiculous.

  14. michael_scarn619

    I was in the first group out at Torrey Pines (North) this morning. All 4 of us were walking. We finished in 3.5 hours and the foursome behind us… all using golf carts… never caught us.

  15. DoubleOSeven365

    If you’re walking there’s not really a lot you need to think about by the time you get to the ball. You have a feel for wind and distance, stop for a second think about “how can I most easily get this as close to the hole as possible” and smoke it!

  16. birdiebogeybogey

    Fuck that, I golf to relax and socialize. If I wanted someone on my ass to hurry up, rush and finish, I’ll just have sex with my wife.

  17. ImpossibleYou2184

    Big America man always in a hurry with his ball and stick.

  18. Snoo65207

    BS. I’m here to enjoy the walk, not stress about time. Yes, be courteous of others on the course. But please don’t make me feel guilty of enjoying the day and the company of my group.

  19. umaywellsaythat

    One of my favourite courses… I think those times are pretty achievable / normal. The tees are pretty close to each green. Just got to get on with it and play ready golf like the sign says.

  20. So tee times 15 minutes apart, if 4 go out, then 3, then 2, are all 9 supposed to be putting on 18 at the same time?

  21. Johnnieiii

    So what if you’re behind a foursome as a twosome? Pace for you is now 345? Or are you supposed to try and play through them? 345 isn’t unreasonable as long as the course has Marshall’s out keeping the pace going. Though personally, I have no issues as long as the round stays under 4.5 hours. I have never really had to wait around for shots at that pace.

  22. Giant_Disappointment

    my regular foursome was short our slowest player last weekend, and the rando we got instead sped us up by an hour. he is the lowest handicap of the group, and by far the longest hitter, but is a human rain delay

  23. My personal single record is about an hour and fifteen minutes and I shot an 82

  24. kylethurley

    Two or 3 of us play regularly and are usually between 2:40 and 3:00hrs for 18. We could go faster if we wanted to. That’s just normal pace. Get your move on you slow bastards.

  25. myrobotoverlord

    Stop creating courses with 200 yd carrys off the tee followed by a short driveable par 4 and then a long par 3.
    Build it right and watch what happens.
    Oh and don’t send groups off every 8 minutes and expect a miracle

  26. BadWowDoge

    This should be in reference to the group in front of you and there should be a sign in the clubhouse that says “Don’t schedule groups less than 20-minutes apart.”

  27. Reddit_Negotiator

    Damn I play 18 in 2:45 (2 people and driving). Who the hell has time for 3.5 hour rounds!!

  28. heyitssal

    Put up more red stakes = faster play

    I don’t mind dropping if my lost ball went into a penalty area. I’m probably gonna shank my next shot anyways… but a two shot penalty… I’m looking for that ball until sundown.


    I played with my dad and got paired with an old couple. I thought we were going to have a long day, the lady asks if we play ready golf and got stuck in. She’d be teed off before we had our clubs away and we were chasing them. Great day out, ready golf should be the rule

  30. TeaStriking3605

    Just played the Old Course and after a 2 hr front nine the ranger was on our ass telling us to step it up. Our caddies told us not to get stressed and they would deal with them.

    It did feel a bit rushed even then and took a little away from the experience.

  31. Inevitable_Sport_611

    Gullane and a lot of Scottish courses are very compact with extremely short transfers between holes. Pace of play is always faster when the next tee box is only feet away from the previous green.

  32. TRexIsMyWingman

    My brother and I try to get the first tee time in the morning when we play. There’s a course by us that does 545 AM times during the summer. With a cart we are done with 18 in around 2 hours and 15 minutes. We’re done at 7 and get to work around 730. We do not rush, we just play ready golf. These times do not seem unreasonable. 4 and a half hours for a round of golf is a bit much.

  33. 4Ever2Thee

    This would freak my dad out. He already plays like Sabatini as it is.

  34. Ya ya ya…. You can only play as fast as the group in front of you allows. Infuriating when the marshal pulls up and says pick up the pace when you’re waiting almost every shot on the group in front of you

  35. nogoodgopher

    Hilly isn’t a factor. The fastest courses are the ones where it’s easy to find your ball.

  36. SlickLegJohnny

    I wish.

    I feel like the usual issues that drag it out are

    1. People hitting multiple balls and then trying to find ones they lost

    2. People getting hammered and listening to music and partying and not playing

    3. Acting like they are on tour and taking forever to swing and line stuff up

  37. thekingofcrash7

    When I ask someone “How was golf yesterday?” and they reply with “Finished in 3h15m!” I just feel bad for them. The goal should not be to finish your hobby as fast as you can. Dont take longer than needed, but there is no reason to rush. Enjoy what you’re doing.

  38. Dark_Wahlberg-77

    Any course that is reminding its customers to play quickly is just trying to shift blame away from their greed and the poor time management it causes.

  39. BanananaSlice

    4 hour pace is ideal as a 4 some.

    Not rushing. Not slow.

  40. IWannaGoFast00

    Yeah I all for good pace of play, but I also golf to relax and enjoy myself. I don’t need to be rushed off the course so the club can squeeze in a few more tee times.

  41. Former_Sheepherder_4

    Why should I be forced to rush my shots? I’m a fast golfer and play at a low handicap, there are times when I need to take my time on a putt, or take all of the allotted time to look for a ball. Call me crazy, but give or take 30 mins on either side of 4 hours is a perfect pace regardless of how many people you’re playing with.

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