The end of the scoring season is getting near, this season I dropped from a 12.8 to a 6.8

Played over 70 rounds from March 1st to now, practiced a ton, and finally dialed my wedge distances from 20-120 yards

by AdlandB


  1. jakerepp15

    Willows Run making an appearance there. Don’t recognize any aside from Gamble Sands.

  2. Captain_Pink_Pants

    It’s awesome watching your swing progress… Specifically at the top of your back swing. Anyone who declines to “nod to the gods” does so at their own peril.

  3. OhHeyNow69

    Handicap Season in my area doesnt end till November 30th. Still plenty of time to get the handi back up to double digits pal

  4. No_Worldliness_6982

    That’s some mighty fine ball striking there brother!!!!😀😀😀!!!!

  5. cottonmane8

    i recognized snohomish, battle creek and ceadercrest. my home courses from when i lived in snohomish county

  6. How’d you get the tempo? All the videos show a consistent one, figure that’s probably a big reason for the drop

  7. Adept-Ranger8219

    I absolutely love the discipline you use swinging driver. I think I’m an idiot, so I am easy on myself when I finish a round and think “oh yeah, I was supposed to easy swing driver today”

  8. Way to go. Also you have a ton of golf outfits lol

  9. Dapper_Dune

    Damn thought that was Cristo Lamprecht for a sec!

  10. jinhyokim

    Awesome progress! Good on you.

    Have you seen videos of Chris Lamprechts swing? Swing analysis? I think it might help. It unpacks how a tall player can still have good swing mechanics despite equipment limitations.

  11. not_beniot

    Are you able to get away with a slightly shorter backswing because you’re so tall? Or I wonder if everyone would benefit from a slightly shorter backswing 🤔

  12. _Poppagiorgio_

    Ping G425 by the sounds of it. Loved the club, hated the sound. Nice tempo, mate!

  13. feelin_cheesy

    6.8 on this course is not the same as a 6.8 at my local track. Nice swing OP

  14. Super_Lawyer_2652

    Jesus Christ my man after keep watching I feel even worse about my comment! You’re an animal lol

  15. Inject that driver sound into my veins!

  16. Pizza_as_fuck

    Some spots here are screaming Snohomish County….

  17. If you just listen you can hear the improvement

  18. RunGoldenRun717

    Serious question, do people who keep and work at a true handicap not count winter rounds? Obviously I never play that well in the winter

  19. 00sucker00

    I’m curious what your average score is. I’m a mid-six handicap but if I told someone average score, they would scratch their head. I play courses as far back as I can on the tees which usually makes for a course rating of 74 & slope around 144. Just curious how this translates for other like handicappers

  20. efstyle

    How do those 6s fit? Been wanting a pair, love my 12s.

  21. getzysbaldhead69

    Nice work. I went from 8.9 to 9.1 this year. Took a little step back but I blame it on the fact that I got sent away for work for a month straight and didn’t get to play near as much as I did the last few summers. Hopefully able to lock in next summer and bring it down a couple points

  22. WhoaABlueCar

    As a former fighter and current obsessive golfer, congrats! Though I’m only 5’9 and not 8’10 😂

    Get out to Chambers! Best place in the world

  23. peenlicker69420

    Hell yeah. I went from a high 21 to an 18.1. My 3rd full season playing.

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