Golf Tips

80% hooks. What’s causing it?

I hit hooks and pulls most of the time. What's causing them? Average swing club path is 5 in to out. Average face to path is -5. What's causing me to close the face so much? I setup with a neutral grip. My suspicions is either not enough wrist hinge even though I feel like I do hinge. Or I release the club too early.

by whatyoulookinatbud


  1. heliumointment

    you’re shutting your club face because of two primary reasons:

    1. inside takeaway causing you to flip
    2. lack of lower body rotation making your hands release early

    both of these combined cause an over-compensation move where your club face will always be closed.

    you need to try and do 2 things:

    1. keep your club head outside your hands in the takeaway (hand path drill)
    2. initiate your downswing with your body (step drill)

    over time you’ll learn to quiet down your hands and let your body move square the club face.

  2. MasterpieceMain8252

    You need to have that “squat” move with your left hip and rotate your chest. You’re just letting your arm catch up to your body, which is gonna pull your ball left

  3. ace-treadmore

    Do you have a hook issue or a start line issue? Looks like you are closing the clubface too much. Flatten your wrist at the top to start the ball straight or a little left before you start tinkering with anything else.

  4. BanananaSlice

    Cos your club head is super closed at the top.

    Like have a grip issue.

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