Jon Rahm playing the final hole of LIV Chicago

Jon Rahm playing the final hole of LIV Chicago

by upcat


  1. LIV reported 15,000 people in attendance as a new record but this overhead drone shot of Rahm on the final hole of round 2 shows about 200 people. The course is near empty. Nobody’s attending in person or watching on Cartoon network.

  2. DarwinianMonkey

    I hate the aesthetic of LIV. I want to watch golf, not a golf sim.

  3. im_super_excited

    TIL there was a tournament near Chicago

  4. tkh0812

    I went to the LIV golf event in Orlando 2 years ago.

    The parking was in the back of the course in sugar sand. How did they deal with it? They hired 2 tow trucks that would go around and tow any cars that got stuck out.

  5. This is pretty nice. I imagine it would be easy to get a good view and watch the former #1 player in the world hit shots

  6. Mobile-Tangelo-4515

    As a friend once said to me when I told him I was in Amarillo, WHY?

  7. Rattimus

    There could easily be 15000 people there, but because LIV has a shotgun start, the leaders could be finishing on hole 7, nowhere near where fans are posted up. I don’t quite understand how that is exciting for golf fans, but I guess you could try and figure out who you think is going to be the winner, and then just walk the course with them all day instead of finding a place to sit and watch.

  8. SportsDude559

    Rahm chose money over legacy which is ok, but man did he fall of the face of the golf world after joining Liv. He was near the top of the golf world and now just a forgotten stray cat with money

  9. argeru1

    I wish the course was this empty when *I am playing* 🙄

  10. Valuable_Proposal_56

    The whole F1 scoreboard vibe is a bit, bleh

  11. syg-123

    I sure do hope Bubba’s Range Goats makes a come back and beats Kopeka’s Smash team ..wait a I don’t.

  12. absolutelydonezo

    Hilarious reading all the cope from the LIV fanboys, as if this being day 2 of 3 makes any difference in their argument. It’s moving day, that is one of the best golfers in the world and he has less than 200 people following him 😂

  13. jnwbman

    Can’t wait for the Korn Ferry counterpart for LIV. Saudis will have to pay spectators to show up

  14. Outside_Meaning7900

    Is this honestly real? That’s fucking sad if so.

  15. nubsauce2

    Tough look when the celebrity exhibition matches get more attendance than your exhibition league

  16. My-Cousin-Bobby

    LIV fans


  17. Dame2Miami

    This would actually be amazing as a spectator but fuck giving my money to the Saudi royals and Trump.

  18. ShiroHachiRoku

    Won $22m and said the best part is that he’s taking his kids to school today. His 3 and 1 year-old…to school. Today.

    Like a PGA player can’t do the same thing?

  19. UnderstandingNo5667

    The Irish open was exponentially better than this BS even though it had a tonne of names that people likely didn’t recognise! However it was a 4 day battle, it MATTERED and you could see the pressure/joy/pain on all the players!

    People don’t want to watch friendlies, they want to watch test matches with pressure and that matter!

  20. Optimal-Judgment-982

    *Itemized Expenses – LIV, Chicago*

    ~ Gallery Ropes, $0.00

    ~ Marshalls, $0.00

  21. Healthy-Chemistry-61

    It’s been clear for a while now that their new design golf competition isn’t appealing at all. It seems it’s working out fine for the dozen players that took the cash but everything else seems like an odd MTV show.

  22. mindriot1

    Pretty funny that he won some sort of title. He couldn’t hit the side of a barn in any majors this year. Liv is such a joke.

  23. PerritoMasNasty

    That’s how I would like to play golf too. In nature without a huge gallery

  24. Perfect_Bowler_4201

    You know the LIV thing is interesting to me.

    If you ignore any abhorrent feelings you may have towards how and who is doing the funding then, to me, the approach is just not required, IMO.

    Does anyone feel that golf really needed this? The dance music being blared out. The move to 54 holes. The team names. The gaudy graphics. The shorts!

    I wouldn’t call myself a traditionalist but none of sits quite right.

    The players wanted more money for doing less. Well duh! Sure they did!!

    If you show me a rich man who says he doesn’t want more I’ll show you a liar (making the assumption that the top players in the world are already very wealthy by competitive standards, I assume there are a ton of players trying to ‘make it’ where the outlay v income is very tight)

    LIV has no history. No kudos. Feels extremely contrived. It feels like it’s trying to be something not only it can’t be but also something that really wasn’t being asked for off the back of greedy little runts like Ian Poulter who’s PGA Tour career was basically done anyway and Phil Michelson who desperately needs all the cash he can get to feed his gambling habit.

    Just my $0.02

  25. CanadaEh97

    I’ve been to Pop Stroke with more people in attendance.

  26. Cornflake32

    Thats because half the spectators were following Bryson all day

  27. Fireinthehole13

    I can now see why the PGA is in no hurry to make a deal with a dying tour..Enjoy the money Jon.

  28. CryptographerLow6772

    Enjoy your Saudi blood money Jon.

  29. There_is_no_selfie

    I love it. Fuck them all and their terrorist money. I hope they drink themselves to death on the most expensive booze money can buy.

  30. YoloOnTsla

    Yea I’m torn on whether I like LIV or not. It definitely seems more “casual” than PGA, the team based aspect is interesting but has some drawbacks because I don’t care most players on the team.

    They can’t be making money right now, with the Saudi money I guess they don’t have to. But it’s definitely not a must watch event, whereas I would say most PGA tournaments are.

  31. hoffalot

    Jon Rahm playing the final hole of LIV Chicago *to win the individual season title and $18M prize*

  32. hagrid007

    Soul destroying for him

    Bank account enriching for him.

  33. Cecil_Obrien

    I guess everyone went back to their shanties…

  34. Present_Confection83

    They really played this at Bolingbrook Golf Club? THAT Bolingbrook?

  35. greeninregulation240

    If he started on hole 1, which he did, how did he end on hole 3?

    Oh that’s right, because this image is wrong. He finished on 18 and the entire right side of the hole was lined with people, they wrapped around the green plenty on his approach/putt, and had the grandstands in the back on 18.

    This pic is not from the final round.

  36. Fuzzy_Chapter9101

    I wonder if they play PGA rules- like if the balls in the rough you get to trample it down b/c if you had spectators it would be. Or if you cannot find your shot then you get a free drop b/c if there were spectators someone would have seen it.

  37. Bleezy79

    I remember Jon!! He used to be on the TV all the time.

  38. MeatOverRice

    I went and had a great time. So overrated to hate on LIV, think of it like a senior PGA league and you’re golden.

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