Golf Tips

Left foot spinning out at impact

Left foot spinning out at impact

by babyfades23


  1. D-Train0000

    Pretty normal. Don’t worry about out it. As long as it isn’t effecting impact.

  2. Schmancer

    Looks like your weight is in your heels, scoot those feet back a couple inches without changing your upper body position

  3. seven_tangerines

    All of your weight is in your heels. Your toes even come off the ground at impact that’s how much your weight is behind you. In your starting posture if I stood in front of you and pushed your shoulder you’d topple over.

    Bring your weight forward towards the balls of your feet, try to feel like you could withstand a push from the front. This will give you better balance and keep your feet from spinning out.

  4. Bobber92

    Looks like you are falling back on your heels quite a bit before your backswing

  5. riscut4theBiscut

    Mine does the same thing and I’m pretty sure my knee would explode if it didn’t rotate out like that. It’s nothing to fix or worry about.

  6. heliumointment

    there’s a sequence of mishaps here:

    you have a very inside takeaway > causing you to cast the club on the downswing > causing you to push your hips way too far off the ball to create space for contact in setup

    you need to apply corrections in this order:

    1. club stays outside your hands on the takeaway. the feel is that your glove logo stays pointing to target. as soon as that logo points to the ball, you’re too inside.

    2. hips stack over heels, stand up taller in setup. you have to reverse your order of hip depth: start less flexed in the takeaway, gain hip depth (“sit down”) in the down swing.

    **you absolutely need to be in the balls of your feet in the golf swing.** being in your heels (as you are) completely restricts lower body rotation (and causes things like flips and casts).

  7. ClubFun6195

    It’s What the best in the world do and people are trying to change it 😂

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