Do I get a free drop

Do I get a free drop

by exsweep


  1. Since the ball was at rest when an animal decided to mess with it, you proceed under Rule 9.6 and replace the ball on its original spot.

  2. Sufficient_Touch_416

    No, he has to play it as it lies!


  3. Callsign_Psycopath

    You get a drop as close as you can to the original spot of the ball.

  4. TjCurbStompz

    Saving this video so I can pretend it’s mine when I lose a ball

  5. HVAC_instructor

    That Fox is going to hate this tomorrow…..

  6. Desperate_Set_7708

    The moment you wish you’d hit a range ball

  7. Absotivly_Posolutly

    That kangaroo just stole my ball!!!

  8. BrettHullsBurner

    Looks more like you got a free pet!

  9. CalJackBuddy

    This has to be at Ed Oliver Golf Club

  10. Your buddies laugh like the kids in South Park 😆

  11. Deep_Macaron8480

    If you’re quick, you can get a free fox!

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