I scored my first eagle today

Shot a pretty average round for me through 9. Asked my friend if he was down to do a two man scramble on the back.

Ended up shooting my own eagle on 16. Less than stellar drive that got into the rough on the right. Beautiful 7w that was about pin high, but ~45 feet to the right. Somehow managed to hole the putt after slightly misreading it and slightly missing my line. It had dying pace and just fell into the cup on its last rotation.

Random but my friend decided to try the same putt after just for fun, and he hit it too lol.

This definitely was not the most legit eagle as there’s much less pressure when we’re doing the scramble format, but I’m counting it since all the shots were all me. Feel free to tell me if you think I’m wrong for counting it tho.

by foxxy003


  1. someones gonna say it doesnt count unless the par 5 is 500+ yards 😆

  2. Deloin_Showerhandle

    Is a 200 yd. 7 wood good? I feel like that’s pretty long

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