Solid line for the 3 putt

Solid line for the 3 putt

by CauliflowerWarm4165


  1. NC-Boomhauer1986

    The shadow is showing you your line.

  2. Johnny_B_Asshole

    That green looks kind of bumpy. I don’t think Tiger Vision would even help that putt.

  3. Fuzzy_Chapter9101

    Straight putts are the absolute worse

  4. DoubleDebow

    I had one almost the exact same a few rounds ago. Thought “jackpot, straight in, just follow the line”. It broke 3″ left, and I 2 putted 😀

  5. a_goonie

    Man does anyone on that course know what a divot tool is?

  6. HerbTarlekWKRP

    Just hit it right on that line. It’s so easy.

  7. OSUBonanza

    Assess yourself a 2 stroke penalty for an alignment aid and call it good.

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