Golf Courses

This BRUTAL Golf Course Is No Joke!

This BRUTAL Golf Course Is No Joke!

Playing The Nicklaus at St Mellion

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  1. Well done to change your mind to come off the golf course and to sort your self out there is always another day to play that course 👍

  2. Great 'raw' video. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to focus more on the game than the commentary – maybe add the the commentary after? That might give you more freedom with your game, especially during a tourny. Real time commentary with your buds is always great stuff though. Good luck with the best ball tournament!

  3. If you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing then start. That’s what you were there for. Walking off just creates more doubt. When you stick with it you figure it out. If you’re good enough. Up to you.

  4. 31:04 what you said there about "on the golf course….trying to feel 'natural'" is something that messes so many people up (which it sounds like you realized). New movement patterns will and should not feel "natural" initially, they need to feel different and thus likely not natural. What feels natural is what feels comfortable and so often in the golf swing what feels comfortable is wrong, or what you're trying to change. Get used to feeling weird on the course for awhile!

  5. Try playing it in the depths of winter when there’s no run at all on the fairways and every ball plugs it’s a really wet course after significant rain. It’s a real challenge

  6. I applied some of those thoughts (driving forward and the release) to my swing and it feels great. Flushing my mb 4 iron 230 with great smash factor in the 1.40s+, and I’ve primarily been a hybrid guy in the longer clubs. I just feel the texture on the turf or mat and it tells me if the swing is good. I believe the full set of blades is going in. It’s revamped my excitement for golf.

  7. Played this course the Monday after the B & H years ago charged us extra as course was set up for championship greens were like marble table tops 3 putts every green. Completely wasted our money but a great venue bring plenty of balls.Your film does not tell you how tight the course really is.Very daunting 😢😢

  8. 85 is my best round here off the yellows James and I kid you not, I was ecstatic with that as I kept the same ball 😂😂😂

  9. James, My advice is that you focus on the swing movements you are working on and commit to it. There is no point in making these changes and improvements in a half assed way , if you do that you will get half assed results and get what you deserve. You can see these drills are helping and if you don't stick with the work you are meant to do you all you are doing is messing about and not taking this seriously. I think there would be interest in videos of you just going through the training process which will teach people what they need to do and the work they need to do to actually get better.

  10. I remember watching Seve win there – it was the B&H. It was when he was working with Mac O'Grady after a few years of army golf. He tightened up his swing and made it functional. I'm fairly sure it was Seve's last win, but I could be making that up.

    Edit: he was forced into the swing change because his back was fooked by his massive reverse c swing.

  11. Played there half a dozen times. Absolutely brutal! You have to plot your way around and don't get greedy with your club selection. Great video, brought back fond memories.

  12. Class video James, it’s real and I appreciate that more than just any old 18 hole vid. Grinding and getting better is prio, I’d of done the exact same thing!

  13. Watching Seve win was brilliant experience. My wife and I followed him all day , the crowds that day were huge.

  14. Love it there… tough but fun in weird kinda way…played nice second time round – defo need eyes on and a trusty 4 iron

  15. nice video man, just only small recommendation, turn horizon balance on, it will help to see elevation of the course. I have it all the time in my videos 🙂

  16. St.Melion is one of my local courses, and its brutal. You played great on those 8 holes, especially in that wind !

  17. I think you did the right thing. I’m not comparing my golf to yours but as a casual golfer taking a new swing/feel to the course takes time. Good luck for your tournament 👍🏻

  18. Great to see the focus and effort your putting into your game. Got me back on the grind so thanks for the inspiration 👊

  19. You seem pretty far under. Your rehearsing a closed transition which is making you deeper then getting more under. Looks like need to work on getting the club exiting more left from p6

  20. Loved that bit at the range and how you explained it, good luck in your next tournament, keep up the good work.👏👏👍

  21. A golf pro told me, Routine Routine Routine, I am guilty of always trying stuff etc but remember doing the drills is cool but try work all this so that your pre shot routine and on course routine is the exact same. Drill that routine before all shots

  22. 30:30 I know its a drill but why not do a similar thing as your practice / pre shot routine? If everything works so well when you do it like that why not just work that into your pre shot routine? The same time it takes to hit those 3 balls in practice replicate it on course

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