Golf Resorts

4 Solutions To STOP Shanking!

4 Solutions To STOP Shanking!

Struggling with shanks? Learn how to eliminate them for good by fixing key issues like early extension, improper wrist release, and setup flaws. In this lesson, I’ll walk you through the causes of hitting shanks and provide step-by-step techniques to correct early extension, control wrist angles, and perfect your setup. By making these adjustments, you’ll hit more consistent, solid shots and eliminate shanks from your game. Watch now to start improving your swing and hit the ball cleanly every time!”

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  1. Very enjoyed the video. I don’t have any problems with full swing shanks. But, I occasionally get to shanking short chips and pitches around the green. I would love to get your thoughts and remedies. I’m a decent player, 5-7 hdcp. Thank you, Joey

  2. Learning how important the setup is to stop early extension was invaluable at the Complete Golf Clinic. You guys are the best!

  3. Stop reading my mind… I just played a decent round today that would have been 5-8 shots better if I didn’t shank a few.

  4. AFter 2 years of hitting everything off the toe I discovered I have the opposite of problem 2, a late release. Now, sometimes, I over due the feel and shank it lol but cya later toe shots!

  5. I had the shanks today. Ruined my round. Thanks for the tips and definitely do more of these videos answering questions.

  6. Adam I love you so much. You have helped me more than anyone else with the golf swing. But please, leave the hat on! 😉

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