Good or bad hole?

Good or bad hole?

by RangeRatts


  1. AnxiousMind7820

    In what sense.

    It’s a bad hole for me because I have a draw/hook so that tree is going to make it hard for me.

    Otherwise it seems like a perfectly fine hole.

  2. Rude-Efficiency-964

    Looks fun to me, but I’m a sicko so 🤪

  3. Total_Paint1755

    When people ask what I mean when a course was ‘quirky’ and get confused… holes like this is the definition.

  4. helter_skelter26

    Dude I just played this hole yesterday haha. Crazy seeing it on Reddit. Loved the gravel pit.

  5. Personally I’m not a fan if the course was to be my homer course. Fun green to play on a trip but I feel like I’d get annoyed playing it regularly.

    Also feel it’s a poor setup from a course maintenance standpoint. You’ll get some jackass who is trapped on the green behind the tree trying to chip off the green and will take a divot because they aren’t as good as they think they are. In a case like this, I don’t blame them. What else are you supposed to do? An no, Austin Powers’ring around the tree is not an option or that just further pushes the point that it’s a bad design.

  6. Bad. It looks like it was a fairway for the far green at a different point in its life, which would be good. Putting obstructions in the middle of greens is how you end up with divots in them.

  7. skalfyfan

    Is this a Par 3 with a tree in the middle of the f’ing green? Where is this?

  8. kjtobia

    Great hole until they put the pin back right. Then terrible hole.

  9. Yolo_Swaggins_Yeet

    This hole is gonna be a menace in 10 years

  10. Brown-17

    I’m not a fan. Imagine having to move pine cones from all over the green.

  11. raiderman2017

    For added context, this is a par 3 course with 13 holes. So they’ve got a variety of quirky greens that I found to be a lot of fun. Par 3 courses should be quirky IMO.

    The tree is trouble, but it also slopes back and right, so it gets real scary if you keep too far left to make sure you avoid the tree

  12. NickDoJitsu

    The Gravel Pit. Brainerd MN. Fucking blast that place.

  13. CrabOutrageous5074

    Thought I was looking at a stupid fairway setup with an impossibly small target and a tree in the middle, but somehow the green made it slightly less stupid?

    Unless they put the pin behind the tree…only a redditor could safely hit the 175 yard (?) 60degree to go over safely. Then it’s a deeply stupid hole for mere mortals. Maintenance will also be awful, some of those trees shed a ton a grass-unfriendly needles and stuff.

  14. DontGetTheShow

    A little gimmicky for my taste. Especially if they ever put the pin to the right of the tree.

  15. Orthostud23

    hole is fine!! not getting g the ball o to that second level might be rough though 😀

  16. Silverbullets24

    For a par 3 course, it’s good. The best par 3 courses are interesting, quirky, and give you an opportunity to hit fun shots (think hole #13 at Pacific Trails in Bandon where the best way to play the hole is to hit a putter from 100 yards).

    For a traditional course, this hole is fucking stupid

  17. WasatchSLC

    I bet somewhere Big Randy is shedding a tear at the sheer beauty of this hole.

  18. secret_identity_too

    I don’t know, but I’m 100% hitting that one tree on the right. So is my dad.

  19. FireMaster2311

    Honestly very good, love the trees in the middle design. Our muni had a 18 as a kid where it was a big oak in the fairway, it was probably 225 out, so with like with 1999 balata balls and a big Bertha 300cc driver it was a great challenge

  20. WisconsinHacker

    I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Would need to play a few times with a variety of pin locations.

    But it is provocative. Gotta give it that.

  21. YesManSky

    Without the tree, it’s just another par 3

  22. twopiecepete

    Might be the stupidest hole I’ve seen. I love it

  23. UnwittingConduit

    A tee shot that also counts as a recovery shot for me!

  24. azhiazthesky

    When you hit the tree and it rolls back onto the tee box, you get to tee up again.

  25. justbrowsing2727

    I kinda like it. Especially for a quirky Par 3 course.

  26. Would suck to land it on the green and roll into the rough around the tree

  27. blazytime

    I find it amazing that that green is in good shape with a tree growing in it. Trees even near greens are usually nightmares for greenskeepers.

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