Bride and groom on the green and they spend 10 minutes taking photos, you hit into them?

Bride and groom on the green and they spend 10 minutes taking photos, you hit into them?

by T-701D-CC


  1. gmiller89

    Call the Marshall. Or just yell fore before you shoot

  2. No-Impact1573

    What an awful haircut that guy is sporting.

  3. steelwolfpanther

    Best case you hit the camera and ruin their photos so they won’t have to remember his haircut.

  4. HardOyler

    I didn’t realize everyone that golf’s is so important and busy they can’t let someone have a moment because it puts them out 10 minutes. Also that guys haircut is fucking atrocious

  5. emasslax22

    There’s still not enough comments about this atrocious haircut. Worse than most swings I see posted in here

  6. arewehavingfunyet633

    With the haircut that guy has, yes go fore it

  7. jwGT1141

    Forget the guys hair.. zoom in on his face lol wtf

  8. CashAlarming3118

    I get it, sucky situation. But it was 10 minutes. It’s not that big of an inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. You’ve probably spent hours stewing over it and who knows how much time posting on Reddit and replying.

  9. PassionV0id

    Bro’s really talking about hitting a golf ball at a couple taking a wedding photo because they’re holding up his twilight round by 10 minutes. Skip the hole and seek some therapy for your blood thirst you absolute maniac.

  10. Unable-Collection179

    Guy looks like the most annoying person I’ve never met.

  11. SeedyRedwood

    “Congratulations!!!! Heads up!”

  12. hockeynoticehockey

    That’s more of a bump and run shot. Just a question of which direction I run.

  13. 9gagsuckz

    Bro has a honker on him. He could lay on his back and use his nose as a sun dial

  14. AnonPlzzzzzz

    The green is the safest place to be when I’m approaching

  15. Two_dump_chump

    The haircut earns him a warning shot thru the picture and into side of clubhouse.

  16. kdthex01

    50 yards out? Pitch up to the fringe, chip and putt around them like they are just mini golf hazards. Add 3 to whatever you were lying and go on to the next hole.

  17. icecreamdude97

    I live on a golf course where this happens. It’s…no big deal. Let them have their moment. You can always move on.

  18. Joates87

    I’d feel too bad for holing out and stealing the bride.

  19. InOxladeITrust

    Honestly, they don’t go out and take pictures without clearing it with the course. It’s most likely not on them. The clubhouse staff probably agreed to it and you weren’t told. Weddings take months to plan and every single aspect is drilled down to oblivion.

    Your going to “public shame the course” per your comments, grow up. It inconvenienced you by 10 minutes and you had this big of a reaction? Maybe call the course the next day and see what they say. Maybe unwedge yourself and learn your not the only person in the world.

  20. T8terXL

    Just tell them to stand by the pin and they’ll be safe.

  21. GinghamGingiva

    I give myself whatever my handicap recommends, congratulate the couple in passing, and call it a night. Relax Scottie.

  22. Puzzleheaded-Fee-320

    No???? You’re on the last hole and they only have their one day, let them have it. However, if I see high heel holes on the green, I would crash the reception out of spite.

  23. monarcharms

    Entire quinceañera walked across the green on out approach during a tournament. We laughed it off and let her putt a few for pictures

  24. Sea-Soil247

    Don’t hit into them..let him enjoy the moment..his hell is just starting give him a second.

  25. Jonhgolfnut

    Is it sad I immediately worry if she’s wearing heels

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