Golf Tips

Need tips/swing thoughts/feelings for early extension

Took a long time away from playing and I was never any good to begin with. Had a friend record this for me at the range today and I’m standing up out of my shot way too soon. Any advice to address this appreciated. Generally having issues with poor contact, misses are all over the place.

by Rhobaz

1 Comment

  1. SenyorHefe

    you left hand has the club too high in the palm.. One way you can check this is by taking your grip and then putting the club over your shoulder to see the knuckles. You want the second knuckles to almost line up.. if they don’t, push the grip out toward your fingers till they do. This way both hands are facing each other and work as one solid unit, that’s the problem with one hand being in a strong position vs the other, they can inadvertently manipulate the club AND in your case restrict motion.. aside from your standing up that you can address also, the added mobility of your wrist can help you achieve better contact..

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