Golf Tips

Help swing please? Recently been taking golf more serious and looking to help. Mid 20s handicap

Help swing please? Recently been taking golf more serious and looking to help. Mid 20s handicap

by Beneficial-Amoeba931


  1. completelyderivative

    Mid 20’s with the happy gilmore hockey grip?? Give us your putting tips, dude!

  2. you hit alot of open face shanks i assume?

  3. mildlysceptical22

    Back off the ball far enough to increase your forward bow towards the ball and let your arms hang down vertically. You’re too close.

  4. Realistic-Might4985

    Not bad! Biggest thing I would suggest is bend at the waist more. Hold the club parallel to the ground at waist high and bend at the waist until the club touches the ground. This is going to feel really weird but that is where you need to be.

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