Golf Tips

Help my swing out please

21 HCP, struggle with flat swing, inside takeaway and loss of posture

by cgaels6650


  1. Coolace34715

    It looked like a pretty nice strike. I noticed your front knee bending toward your back leg. That knee can rotate, but should not bend toward your back leg. Also, you are lifting your front foot.

  2. Sensitive-Disk-9389

    There is a lot of good stuff working in your swing.

    However, your trail arm (right) is too straight in your backswing. This means there is zero chance to drop the hands and club vertically as you start your downswing (hips lead hands drop). Right elbow needs to bend towards the top and tuck in on the downswing.


    No club, cross your arms and turn back to the top of your backswing. hold at the top and as you turn your hips try to tuck your right elbow down and into your belt buckle as you move through. This is what you should feel as you start down with your hands.

  3. Gaglia79

    Let that right arm fold in on your back swing, only the lead arm needs to stay straight.

  4. chuck-san

    Agree with those pointing out the straight right arm. This is promoting casting – where you are unable to generate lag, where your hands are in front of the ball at impact.

    What this ultimately looks like is that instead of hitting down on the ball, it looks like you’re trying to scoop it to get it airborne. Your club does that, don’t help it along.

    Also, just loosen up. There’s so much tension everywhere in your body. That doesn’t mean getting flippy with everything, but it means using your arms and body more like a whip than trying to use your muscles to make the club go faster/harder.

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