You might have seen my photo – this is to prove it is not AI generated as many people are claiming

You might have seen my photo – this is to prove it is not AI generated as many people are claiming

by WhoAmIMatem40i


  1. winnebagoman41

    I have no idea why that one guy is so adamant that you’re lying and made that picture with AI. As well being totally incorrect.

  2. unvvendel3000

    Asking the bot right now: “show me a bunch of young wankers waiting for adults to fix their problem.”

  3. RIP_G-Baby

    u/mattmandental and u/EitherKaleidoscope41 in shambles.

  4. nglatzhofer1

    People see any blur in an image now and are 100% convinced it’s AI

  5. ChargerRob

    We used to pull a cart out of lake about 4x a year.

  6. actonpant

    Nah, this cuts off before the ai sends the golf cart into space

  7. whatisthishere_guy

    I’ve seen a cart in a lake that had to have fallen off a steep 40 foot hill. No part of me would assume this was fake.

  8. hippopalace

    The cart has extra fingers.


  9. mjincal

    My experience says that in 5 minutes those fine young gentleman will be doing backflips off the car

  10. strangecargo

    Some people in the original replies are nuts and must not actually ever get out into the real world with actual people.

  11. shifty_coder

    Where’d you find tape for your camcorder?

  12. RandomChaoticEntropy

    Came back with the RECEIPT!! hahahaha

  13. Sad-Cauliflower6656

    I don’t think many people were thinking a cart in the water at night golf surrounded by twats is AI

  14. Poopieplatter

    Of course it’s a bunch of fucking Edgars.

  15. Equal-Plastic7720

    Golf carts bring out the bad kid in a lot of people. Ever hear the saying, beat it like a rented mule?

  16. jedi21knight

    How did you lose control of the golf cart? Hit the turbo button at the wrong time?

  17. ExplosiveDioramas

    This is clearly an AI generated video.

  18. fun_crush

    I did this when I was younger, 18 or 19. Course made me pay the deductible. My dad was a member of the course and knew the owner. They put a picture of me and the cart in the water up on their record leaders’ wall. I offered additional money to take it down, and the owner said no, it’s there forever.

    I’m 40 now and still have friends, send me pictures of it.

  19. vtown212

    Dipshits, but that drop is really close to the path

  20. TheShark12

    Dude in the white shirt is thinking through every decision he’s made in his life that has led up to this point.


    Now you faked the video!? Why are you so committed to the bit?!

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