Rest easy knowing your round wasn’t as bad as this guys.

Rest easy knowing your round wasn’t as bad as this guys.

by bananaSliver


  1. sqwirlfucker57

    Been there. Never try to carry an extra club length when you have to go #2. Club up, swing easy, find a porta potty.

  2. Adipildo

    My buddy has now shit his pants twice on the course in the past 6 months. Fortunately, he’s a dad to two young children so he always has wet wipes with him. Granted, watching a 30 year old man take his pants off on the course to wipe his ass multiple times in a calendar year is unsettling.

  3. Shanked it and didn’t go past the forward tees? Been there.

  4. STNbrossy

    There is probably a pantless guy hiding behind a tree hoping for you to hurry up.

  5. Punisher2807

    Were you playing with/behind Colin Jost? Apparently he frequently shits himself, and has even shit the front of his pants while on a golf course.

  6. carguy51

    Decisions were made here…

    Kudos to the man that chose pack a change of clothes and finish their round with mud butt vs calling it quits and going home with poopy drawers.

  7. P4S5B60

    Here and I thought the guy didn’t make it past the Ladies tee on his Drive

  8. forman98

    Maybe he got raptured?

    But seriously, why would you leave the belt?

  9. MOEzuez

    I would like to think he got it in with the cart girl and was too drunk and happy to remember his pants. Somebody has to dream about living the dream!

  10. Packtex60

    When you need a moon shot to clear the trees, you do what you have to do.

  11. I dunno. The few times I’ve played without pants or underwear I’ve hit the ball great!

  12. Lump618

    This is why i have baby wipes and rain pants in my bag. Have yet to use them on the course (hopefully never will) but you never know when those dogs at the turn will come back around

  13. HungryHumble

    Real bad day when the belt gets left behind

  14. darkskysavage

    Shat them pants on the turd green.


  15. CBizizzle

    Man, if I had a dollar for every time I shit my pants playing golf……I’d have about $7.

  16. molemanralph69

    Jeans. Eww. This golf people! Go back to your shanties!

  17. RoughDiamond949

    That’s why you wear two pairs of pants. In case you get a hole in one.

  18. OrdinaryCredit

    On Tuesday I stepped into a group of trees to see if I could find some Pro V1’s and found a pair of red shitty underwear on the ground. I didn’t look any further

  19. When_I_Grow_Up_50ish

    Didn’t get past the front tees.

  20. Those denim shorts are 100% appropriate for the situation.

  21. juanitowpg

    all that was left after the aliens abducted him

  22. OhMyGod_YouKnowIt

    If it’s that bad, I’ll catch up to you guys, gotta take the cart, sorry.

  23. responsiblefornothin

    I always carry wet wipes and toilet paper in my bag because, aside from death or grievous injury, what’s the worst thing that could happen at a golf course? You can always come back from a bad shot, a broken club, or a lost ball, but when you shit your pants… you gotta go home, buddy.

  24. freeroll2000

    Every time I’ve played a course that was cool with blue jeans….I’ve seen something as crazy.

  25. Fearless-Estimate-41

    That’s one uncomfortable keister.

  26. Showed up in jeans, abandoned them without even removing the belt? I don’t even understand.

  27. Maese_Pedro

    Somebody changed quickly before jumping on the course and put their jeans in the cart basket or forgot to zip up a side pocket of their bag. Either way, with the still buckled belt, this looks like someone’s non-golf pants – lost, but unsoiled.

  28. Fourteen_Sticks

    Did he shit his britches or get laid?

  29. Thethrillofvictory

    Those are work jeans. I’m guessing grounds crew. That morning monster, gas station taquito, and cigarette must have hit hard as fuck

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