Always Start Your Takeaway Like This To Simplify The Golf Swing!

In this video, Harry Shaw breaks down the key to the golf swing. Focusing on how to start your golf swing with the perfect takeaway. Harry shares a simple yet effective golf takeaway drill that will help you build a smoother backswing and eliminate common mistakes that golfers face in the early stages of the swing.
Whether you’re looking for tips on how to start the backswing in golf or to fix your current technique, this video provides a step-by-step guide to help you make lasting improvements. From adjusting your wrist hinge in the backswing to practicing the best backswing drill in golf, these tips will simplify your approach to the game.
With detailed insights on the chipping swing, pitching swing, and finally the full swing, Harry shows you how to implement these concepts into all areas of your game.
00:00 Intro
01:03 The Tendency
03:16 The Drill
07:14 GX Shoutout
07:42 Chipping Swing
09:34 Pitching Swing
11:51 GSS Shoutout
12:26 The Full Swing
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  1. I respect that you do put a lot of work into these online instructions, but the videos are pretty long. I know the sweet spot for YouTube videos are around 10 minutes to be better monetized, but I'm not sure most people have 10 minutes or more to stay focused on a single video hence the reason Shorts, Reels, TikTok and the likes have taken off in views.

  2. This is the best backswing instruction video I have seen. I also appreciate the extra time you take in showing how to do it properly in easy steps. I do not mind the length and in fact feels the more in depth explanation sets you apart from your competitors. Thank you!

  3. So, I asked you to consider doing a video about what happens from the top of the swing down to contact. Does the club simply fall down via gravity or do you pull down with the arms and shoulders at a fast rate to get the arms in front of the body and then rotate thru the ball. You agreed to address this topic, but I have yet to see anything?

  4. Harry, once again a great video.
    Your explanations of "feels", splitting your video into "named" segments and your POV camera sets you apart from the others.
    I know its probably not feasible, but a bird's eye camera angle would be gold.
    Oh, and I appreciate the fact that this is a <15 minute video 😁

  5. Great lesson. Hinging right wrist palm facing the ground helps in body rotation & coil. Bowing of the left hand comes naturally.

  6. Excellent video Harry on starting the takeaway! It's like you made this video especially for me (excuse me for gloating fellow subscribers) since I have been working on this takeaway for over a year now! Your chip and pitch shot recommendation will be put into my memory bank because on occasion I do get a chunk and mostly I come up short of the green! I like the idea of the left arm parallel on the backswing and the right arm parallel on the way through! This video was so verifiable for me that I am going to archive it for future analysis! Well Done As Always Harry! Keep up the good work!!!!

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