Golf Players

The BEST Short Game Lesson EVER Given! MUST WATCH! (Dan Grieve)


Thanks to Canon for sponsoring the video, to learn more about their Canon PowerShot GOLF rangefinder, click the link here –

@DanGrieveGolf is a true Master of his craft. Be sure to check out his channel and all his socials to get your short game razor sharp.

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  1. Haha went straight to check the link for the range finder new to golf and struggle to read the distance sold out online damn, are there any affordable ones you would recommend

  2. Whoever’s editing, love the videos normally and they’re great, but please don’t use warp stabiliser when there’s too much movement, it gets quite difficult to watch. I’m an editor so I get it, not trying to give you abuse😅

  3. Love the video! Can you please do an update video in a couple weeks/months saying how you practiced and how it's helped you actually on the course!

  4. Not too sure what’s going on with the stabiliser – looks like a fair bit of warping. Class content nonetheless Sebby boy 👍

  5. It was great to see you being so honest and open with your struggles and how would have previously approached the shots. Great video and Dan is a legend!

  6. It's amazing to see Dan teach the same techniques in subtly different ways for every student. He is truly a master and adapts his style and methods to match the students feedback and level. Great video guys learnt a lot.

  7. Great video Seb. I’ve watched all the DG lessons but your self awareness of your game makes such a difference compared to some others.

  8. Such a great video, watching Dan is amazing. I feel like i am decent for my level around the green, but wow did i learn a lot. Amazing how important the club release is and how it lets you get away with less loft.

  9. Definitely can relate to Seb in terms of mentality. I've played my best golf by almost having my own caddie in my head. Don't think, just do.

  10. I had a two hour lesson with Dan at the beginning of the year. I didn't tell my golfing mates. I've been playing for two years and prior to lesson I was 15 HC 6 months after lesson I am 9 HC and this drop in HC is all down to my improvement around the green. Friend's can't believe the ball control, they still don't know I had a lesson with Dan, but make comments about shots, calling me Dan 😂. I just need to make more birdies and putting is the next improvement area…. Who is the Dan Grieve of putting………. That's the next big You Tube phenomenon

  11. Great video👍
    Loving the DG lessons, his techniques have helped me improve this year. Started this summer with my index around 15 and made the decision to concentrate solely on pitching and chipping. Now at 9.6, just need to sharpen up my approach play and putting!

  12. You are Talking too much. Play some shots then let DG talk/give advice.

    Apart from that a great vid 👍🏻

  13. Great video. Everything Dan talked is on point. You probably wouldn’t need to talk that a lot! 😊

  14. Great content, but please have your cameraperson/editor learn their craft properly … please don’t make me spell it out more clearly

  15. Tbf, once youve seen 1 dan grieve video youve seen them all

    Same stuff over and over with different people

  16. If anybody was an advert for swing your swing then its seb

    Absolutely horrendous looking swing but gets around a golf course with it 😂

  17. Every time I watch Dan Grieve I am getting new details on how to perfect the technique, he is an amazing coach!

  18. If this fella would shut his mouth for 2 minutes and listen to what Dan has to say, he'd learn something!!

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