What is this giant fan? Just off the green.

Giant fan looking thing just off the green. Looks to be permanent. Does anyone know what it is or what it’s used for?

by Twistedshasta


  1. Falco19

    It’s used to keep the grass healthy because the growing conditions aren’t favourable

  2. Leftyperk

    Keeps the air moving to cool the green. Keeps it alive

  3. Competitive_Hall902

    Needed to cool the greens. Probably bent grass greens in a warm dry area in the country like AZ or Palm Desert.

  4. Artsakh_Rug

    It’s a fan for sure 👍🏼 seen one or two myself

  5. Sea-Soil247

    In Texas it blows 112 degree air..not really cooling at all. Maybe if you’re 3 feet from it.

  6. daffydubs

    Crank it up to 11 so you can swing that putter downwind when you miss a two footer

  7. sleepytime03

    We even have them on my course in CT. We use it to actually dry the greens.

  8. mikeisaphreek

    Anyone else used to sit in front of the fan and say “luuuuke. I am your father”? No? Ok.

  9. According_Rhubarb313

    It’s a giant fan just off the green …..

  10. Hues_ca

    Air flow overtop of a green is an integral part of keeping greens(especially bent grass) healthy. You’ll often find them in spots where a green is overly protected from the wind, where air flow is restricted from trees low areas etc.

  11. Regular_Ingenuity966

    It’s for the Long drive contest you missed out on

  12. Mysterious-Ice-1551

    Bent grass in the desert. Will die without it.

  13. unvvendel3000

    Stagnant hot air is bad for the green

  14. Bdliquidchef

    Private clubs that have bent greens here in the Palm Springs area use these during the summer for turf health.

  15. MountainManRise

    Maybe it’s a fan for ants and the perspective is from below… Or another hazard.

  16. BudUnderwearBundy

    Bug fan where i live, that particular green is next to a wooded creek.

  17. dc21111

    I use it to pretend I’m Slash in the November Rain video. The superintendent said something about the green getting more air.


  18. StreetDreams56

    Saw one of these in Oklahoma that would oscillate and occasionally blow a mist. Probably helps keep the greens from getting scorched.

  19. At least here in the northeast, it’s for airflow to minimize fungal attack.

  20. paniflex37

    So *that’s* why my putts keep blowing past the hole…

  21. BigRigHiggy

    Air movement prevents disease In the greens

  22. Academic-Respect-278

    Methane vent ?? Course built on landfill ?

  23. TheBigYellowCar

    That’s a target. It makes a very satisfying sound when you hit it.

    In all seriousness, some farmland in my area was turned into a course a few years ago. The developers left farm equipment on the driving range. Feels great when you nail the 200 yd water tank.

  24. blahbery

    They prevent fungus. Very common in places where you apply a lot of water to a green but it doesn’t get full sun

  25. Muted_Exercise5093

    It is not to cool anything. These are to dry out the greens and keep airflow moving. Helps prevent fungus, which is a big issue in hot and humid or humid areas.

  26. Bobbyoot47

    A course here just west of Toronto that has one of those fans just behind a par three. The green is set way down below in a valley right beside a huge pond. No air circulation down there at all so like others have mentioned I would have to think it’s to keep the moisture from building up on the green.

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