Golf Tips

Trying to focus on tempo, balance, and maintaining spine angle…any thoughts or help appreciated!

Trying to focus on tempo, balance, and maintaining spine angle…any thoughts or help appreciated!

by Marley12394


  1. Prestigious-Bat4903

    Maybe start with a haircut. Hippie

  2. heliumointment

    maybe focus on 1 thing at a time:

    your trail hip is a big problem. you turn it away from the target and then it comes flaring out into the hitting area. this will guarantee that you’ll stand up (loss of spine angle) and get steep.

    your trail hip stays back from the top, and your lead hip rotates around it. think about that and make sure you understand. trail hip back, set, lead hip around.

    check out some DTL videos on youtube, and watch how pros maintain the line they establish with their trail hips from the top down to impact.

    to make this change, you’ll need time. right now your hands are rushing the downswing. if it helps to do rehearsals without a club pulling you down to the ball, do that. but you need a moment to get your lead hip turning around your trail hip while the trail hip stays set.

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