Golf Tips

Thoughts on backswing?

Hey all, trying to work through this feel vs real on my backswing. It feels like it’s breaking 90° but videos show that’s not the case. Tips on this?

by Chance_Expression120


  1. shift013

    I think “high hands” as my feel for my backswing. I want to get that Ben Kruper position at the top (without the pause). You’re doing everything right, just not rotating enough. Thankfully you’re not compensating by breaking the wrists or anything.

    That being said, Rahm has a similar length backswing and makes it work very well. You probably can be fine with this tbh

  2. nealsmith85

    My feel is to back swing with the left hand(I’m right handed) only. you can place your right hand on your left wrist to practice it with shoulder rotation. It stops the inside takeaway and keeps you on the plane.

  3. Prestigious-Bat4903

    Start with a haircut you hippie

  4. Sorryallthetime

    Nice easy swing. I am working on more hip turn and more shoulder turn. Perhaps its the angle – do you think you make a full shoulder turn?

  5. Present_Confection83

    Rushing it just a bit. Impossible to actually pause at the top but I like to try and feel like I am (im a taller golfer who gets stuck when I get quick)

  6. likethevegetable

    Get your camera angle right–through your hands. This is a “flattering” angle. Your footwork is hurting you from generating speed. I would work on “flamingo” swings for a bit to keep your weight centered.

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