Weight Shift Is The Busted Flush Of Golf

Focus on your centre of gravity throughout the back and down swings for perfect ball striking.


  1. You can shift your weight on the backswing and downswing but the shift doesn’t come from swaying your body to the right or to the left. It comes from pushing down on the right foot during the backswing causing your hips to rotate to the right and then pushing down on the left foot during the downswing causing your hips to rotate to the left.

  2. Thanks again for a straight
    forward and common sense
    golf tip. Been really enjoying these. I have adopted the right knee left toe approach. Improved my ball striking overnight. My main struggle is my short game, surprise surprise. Just lack of confidence 30 yards and closer. Any help would be appreciated 👍

  3. Ich möchte das jetzt in meiner Heimatsprache loswerden: endlich mal ein Pro, der mit diesem ganzen Schwungkram aufräumt und einfach nur das sagt, was wirklich wichtig ist. Left knee right toe. Right knee left toe, Center of Gravity. Vielen, vielen Dank, Shane. Greetings from Germany. Stefan

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