Golf Players

You Will NEVER Drive The Ball Well Wtih Any Of These Reckless Mistakes

If you struggle to consistently drive the ball well and in play there is a very good chance that you are making 1 or more of the mistakes outlines in this video, unfortunately if you continue with these mistakes you will likly never hit driver as well as you can.

I’ve been coaching for over 20 years and these are the most common faults that i’ve seen holding golfers just like you back with the driver. These faults cause unwanted curve, missed fairways lack of distance and inconsistency, but the good news is these can be fixed with the right information and drills.

In this video i show you some simple things that you can do with driver to fix the unwated errors and start hitting the ball straighter and longer that ever.

#drivertips #golfdriverswing #driver



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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.


00:00 Introduction
00:12 The Perfect Driver Set Up
02:46 Ideal Driver Backswing
07:10 Perfect Driver Impact


  1. 100% informative, game changer for me, I usually come down too steep with a short back swing and manipulate club face on set up⛳

  2. I Chris the last drill I do but I stop there to long and then I stay on my right side to long then use my arms and pull the ball what can I do to get my weight on my lead side 👍thanks

  3. Great video! I generally do not like the videos that talk about what not to do. But you did a great job of pointing out the proper way to do things. Thanks

  4. Chris, great tips. It would be great if you follow up on this lesson and in particular your last point re body angle at impact, to help us with a lesson regarding correct movement of club and body post impact. Should we be aiming to swing a little to the right of our target line post impact? Should you keep some degree of body tilt as you complete the swing or do you stand up straight on completion of the swing? How far to the left of the target line do you suggest we swing with our arms as we complete our body turn? These are the “thoughts” I am struggling with at the moment. A lesson on how to correctly complete the rotation with driver, would be very much appreciated. Keep up the great work, it is invaluable for us weekend golfers as we strive to improve our golf game.

  5. ok, mind blown! I have always had my hands forward of the ball, and almost always sliced, so what have I done to fix that was to close the face!!!! Right, I need to go and try this.

  6. I tried to consciously implement this lesson today. The result was outstanding. Every drive was really long and straight. Great video, 👍
    Thx Chris

  7. Hey Chris…enjoyed the instruction, but have a question. When I focus on getting the lead hip in front of the shoulder prior to and through impact, keeping my head and the angle of my spine back, I often start hitting ground before ball with driver. What's causing this and how do I prevent this from happening? Thank you

  8. Started setting up this way today. Had to change my alignment because I started hitting some really nice baby draws. Thank you!

  9. Good stuff man, try to lead with my hips laterally to bring the club down to hit up. Brilliant!

  10. I found this vid to be a very helpful. After watching, I went to the range and concentrated on simplifying my driver setup position, raising the tee height a bit and staying on plane during the swing and was immediately hitting higher, straighter drives. Looking forward to taking it to the course.

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