“Unstuck Yourself” and Unlock Your Full Potential with Paul Salter

Paul Salter is a mindset coach and hypnotherapist who helps golfers overcome the mental and emotional hazards of their mind in order to play to their full potential.

With an extensive background working with elite Collegiate, Professional, and Olympic athletes as a Sports Dietitian, his unique coaching system leverages 15+ years of coaching with an emphasis on Hypnosis, Subconscious Reprogramming, Mindset Shift Training, and other proven strategies to help you “unstuck yourself.”

Paul joins #OntheMark to discuss his coaching approach and how the use of hypnotherapy can help you get out of your own way by stopping self-sabotage at its source. He discusses various topics including:

Overcoming the Mental and Emotional Hazards of Your Mind
An overview of what Hypnosis is not and is, as well as how it works
Shifting from Unconscious Reactions to Conscious Responses
Identifying and dismantling Destructive Mindset Programs (DMP’s) and how they negatively affect you
How to begin dismantling and defusing Toxic Emotions
How Negative Emotions (and your inability to manage them) wreak havoc on your swing, score, and life off the course
The “Fear JAR” (judgment, abandonment, and rejection) and how fear shows up on the golf course and what to do about it, and
Cultivating Confidence on-demand.
Break through your imiting beliefs, overcome mental roadblocks, and conquer the fears holding you back from unlocking your full potential.

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