2nd Round of Golf, I’m Hooked

Played my second round of golf today, been going to the range for 3-4 weeks. Put this one on the green with a 7 iron, 156yds. First par, I am hooked.

by GoodStuff2713


  1. Ok-Badger1773

    Glad you’re enjoying it! Are you a minotaur by chance?

  2. NC-Boomhauer1986

    Welcome to the game now make that gimme

  3. _the_hare_

    You hit with the long flat side of the putter, not the tip, silly goose. 

  4. GamerDude133

    All it takes is 1 par and you’ll be hooked forever.

  5. Professional-Fail150

    I also, am glad you’re enjoying the sport we all love. Just curious why your shadow looks like a Tusken Raider on top of a AT-AT Walker.

  6. iamtherealwillmyska

    Don’t worry, you’ll soon begin to hate it for a few days and then you’ll love it again soon after that

  7. Only_Argument7532

    Great! Now keep practicing, take some lessons, and get good.

  8. Welcome to one of the most expensive addictions in the world brother lol

  9. Vexatiouslitigantz

    It’s not polite to pee on the green.

  10. Third_Most

    Are you on a horse?

    You’re looking for r/polo

  11. Fun_Contract_1265

    Why are you riding a horse, they have carts available

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