Not many ppl I know care about Golf so I thought I’d share with you my 2 year journey.

I know not many ppl care about the swing but I feel pretty proud so far.

by BenignAndAHalf_


  1. OldDoughnut7557

    Huge difference. From swaying and overloading to smooth and steady. Your hard work is paying off!

  2. seven_tangerines

    Dude this is awesome, good for you. Enjoy the hard work and may it pay off on the course!

  3. CopaCabana_cobra

    Now that, is a sexy golf swing. great work

  4. feelin_cheesy

    What kind of improvement have you seen in your scoring?

  5. majorservicekit

    Well done my man, that’s great progress!! This game is so hard and addictive and I totally feel you, my wife just goes all glassy eyed and “uh-huh” when I start talking about swing progress

  6. Fatal_Blow_Me

    What was your golf routine to improve?

  7. LayeGull

    You seem like someone who has practiced what you’ve been taught. Always more work to do but this is fantastic progress in 2 years.

  8. roastedjays

    Are your misses blocking it out right or hooking left? I feel like my swing is similar and am a 14.

  9. DeepScallion9117

    awesome stuff, looking like a pro fr 🔥

  10. Devaclis

    Great improvement in body control. The horizontal hip movement and the right ankle flare out are tough to mange. You did excellent. Keep it up bud!!!

  11. MinnesotaNiceT23

    Losing the black shoes/black middies combo is the best part. Swing looks great too.

  12. donaldinoo

    Your improvement had nothing to do with hard work. The black socks and shorts were holding you back.


  13. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    Bro, why’re swinging that thing like a baseball bat?

  14. Username_redact

    Fantastic work. You’ve done more in 2 years than most people do in their entire golf career. Based on the second swing I’d guess you around a 6 handicap?

  15. rottentornados

    from “oooh bb what is u doin” to “okay baybeeee”

  16. 00sucker00

    I’ve always said that it takes two years of diligent practice to develop a solid swing, of no other reason, than it takes a long time to get comfortable with the proper mechanics of a golf swing. That said, there are outliers on both ends of the spectrum.

  17. BrazenRaizen

    You even LOOK cooler in the 2024 video. Bravo all around.

  18. UltraDarkseid

    Brother you did it! From dog shit to pretty. Keep doing what you’re doing dude! How often do you play?

  19. Odd-Technician8967

    I’ve been practicing a couple months now and I still don’t look as good as he does in the first clip.

  20. Odd-Technician8967

    I’ve been practicing a couple months now and I still don’t look as good as he does in the first clip.

  21. BodybuilderSalt9807

    Fantastic!!! Just fantastic.

  22. Altruistic-Ad-562

    Biggest difference I noticed was flexibility… key to a great swing and being able to play for a long time!

  23. FormerDimer

    Great swing! Personally I’d need to go longer being more of a “gatherer” vs a raw burst guy but I’ve always been jealous of short and compact.

  24. engineereenigne

    Honestly surprised you hit the ball in 2022. Great work!

  25. Ted183672

    Well done, player, that’s amazing progress,
    Maybe experiment with taking it back along the shaft alignment line a bit longer and set the angle earlier.

  26. TlingitGolfer24

    They look the same???

    Jk nice progress!

  27. Mbrozyz

    Nice swing, are you a fellow Canberra golfer? those ranges look familiar.

  28. Time4Timmy

    Wow, crazy improvement in just 2 years

  29. Sick progress dude 🤝 swings looking dialed

  30. Everglow12345

    Good work! You can really tell if you just focus on how much your head moves during the backswing.

  31. Ok-Information-2214

    That looks so good! Great job

  32. Smash_Factor

    What iron are you hitting in the 2024 face-on video?

  33. ghetto18us

    It takes confidence to hit those MBs… good work

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