Golf Tips

Any tips?

Thanks in advance!

by mistymtndude


  1. asakurasol

    Half of this sub is here to take lessons from you

  2. looks great! Nice transition at the top. Looks like a nice, string baby fade. I’m jealous

  3. Your upper body is opening too early in the down swing causing your arms to get thrown out coming over the top. Need to sync up your rotation and let those arms come down together before ripping open.

  4. RideMo_YT

    Maybe on paper you could stand closer to the ball and get the heel of the club off the ground a little bit.. but In Reality if I’m hitting that good with my irons I’m not changing anything lol

  5. ExcellentBarracuda41

    I like how steady you keep your head after impact

  6. BobWheelerJr

    Quitting the ball so fucking straight and far. Where’s the challenge in that?


  7. Couldn’t wouldn’t suggest anything cause there’s no way I’m striping them like that. If you are that consistent then own the swing and just play and have fun. Maybe work on getting up and down from 40 yards out if you are not in the 70s already.

  8. Flaky-Apartment-3640

    If I may, you seem to get jammed up a little as you finish. It is causing you to stay tilted. You should be finishing straight up with your eyes looking a little left of the target. It appears you are swinging in a little close to your body, causing the ball to pull a little. Try swinging and rounding your arms out a little right through the ball. You won’t have to turn your hands over with any force. They will move around as your arms extend. A draw starts right and moves left after impact. Cheers. @golf_by_the_book insta

  9. Buy-The-Dip-1979

    Not be a dick but I’m surprised how nice ppl are commenting here, I’ve seen better swings get rotated harshly here.

    Looks like it works for you and really that is all that matters, but this is a classic too steep, early extension, somewhat over the top swing you can find in millions of golfers in the 4-12 handicap range.

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