Split Squat (Double Kettlebells Racked)

Split Squats are a great way to open your hips, activate your glutes, and focus on your balance.The inline squat can become a great hip flexor stretch, which will give you better access to your glutes. It also helps with ankle mobility so you can maintain your posture better, and if you can keep your spine vertical then you are also producing good trunk stability. Without trunk stability you cannot use your arms and legs at full strength and power. A split squat will also expose left and right asymmetries in how your body moves.

With two bells in the racked position, you will feel more stable than if you were holding them in a suitcase grip. With the bells closer to your center of gravity you will be more stable, which makes it possible to use heavier kettlebells and a great way to build some unilateral strength. But, remember that one of the great things about kettlebells is their self-limiting nature. Meaning, if you cannot rack them, you can’t use them. They will keep you working inside your ability.

Split Squat Double Kettlebell 2-4 sets of 5 reps
*Safely clean two kettlebells to the rack position.
*Keep your shoulders down out of your ears and your forearms vertical.
*Start standing with your feet together.
*Step backward 18” -24” with your right foot, this is known as split stance. You will start and finish each rep in this split stance position.
*Maintain a vertical spine so you are not folding in half from the waist.
*Keep your pelvis level so you are not arching or tucking your lower back/pelvis.
*Remember to keep your knees, toes, and hips lined up straight ahead. Think of being on railroad tracks.
*Squeeze your glute on the back leg, you might even get a stretch in your front of that thigh and hip as you lower yourself to the ground.
*Drop your right knee down to the ground while maintaining an upright torso.
*Press through both feet and return to standing in a split stance with both knees straight.
*Repeat for the prescribed sets and reps.