Here’s why I’m struggling to gain club head SPEED (Ep. 4)

Why can’t I gain club head speed?! We find the root cause with a full 3d swing analysis and physical screen with #1 instructor Mark Blackburn.

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In this episode of “Road to 180,” we dive deep into a 3D swing analysis and fitness assessment to uncover what’s holding back that elusive 180 mph swing speed!

We explore the kinematic sequence, identify power leaks, and test core strength to pinpoint the exact areas that need improvement. Whether you’re looking to increase your own swing speed or just love the science behind golf, this episode is packed with insights that can take your game to the next level. ⛳️

🔍 What You’ll Learn:
– Detailed 3D analysis of swing mechanics
– Importance of kinematic sequence and deceleration
– Core strength’s role in power transfer
– Practical tips for boosting your swing speed

Follow Mark Blackburn Golf and learn more about his coaching:


  1. Great video—— you have the swing but need a stronger core—— you could do it—— but to be honest you already hit it further than 90 percent of golfers out there—— 180 isn’t tour average 170 is

  2. Love this series – are there a network of coaches where one can go to get tested like this? I'm also seeking 180 and the highest I've gotten to is 172.

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