Driver Purgatory.

I cannot stop hitting this area on my drives. I'm set up toe on the ball, I've adjusted grip up, down, strong. Ball placement is front heel, I've moved it back, tried it forward. I can swing at 70% and still low hosel all day. The only time I don't hit this spot I hit the top of my driver and hit a pop up 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

by Rekrap2829


  1. At0ms2019

    Maybe vary tee height. That is the only thing I can think of

  2. bigricebag

    Yips? Tee height? I put mine so it cuts half of the ball. Angle my spine a bit. Make it a point to watch the ball being hit before I pick up my head. Seems it helps me slow down

  3. happyfuckincakeday

    Tee it higher. Keep your front shoulder from flying open. I do this all the time and these are the things that help me most

  4. dangitwhatdaheck

    How about hitting the ball with 3-9 o’clock swing and see where the club face hit the ball. Once you achieved center face contact, try hitting the ball 1-10 o’clock position and so on.

  5. It’s likely all in your head. Make sure your hand placement is slightly behind the ball on your setup rather than in front like an iron. This can make a huge difference

  6. Anser_Galapagos

    Stop swinging on your toes and flying the hips open? Idk

  7. Intheswing

    I think it’s time for a new club / driver fitting !!! Forget lessons – a new driver is needed !!

  8. deutscheblake

    Usually when a player tends to find the bottom of the club they’re backing away from the ball through the shot. Put a water bottle between you and the ball and swing without hitting it. Give yourself like 3-4 club heads from the bottle to the ball so you don’t hit the shaft when you’re swinging.

  9. VariationEarly6756

    driver tip I got recently for a similar isssue

    1) Relax your lead hand
    2) Aim for the tee itself – basically try to snap the tee in half

  10. gk101991

    While I think all of the other suggestions might be better, an option would be to shift your body weight to your front foot. It would force you to swing down and potentially get under the ball.

    Then again, I’m no golf expert so take it with a grain of salt.

  11. Chest_Advanced

    Looks like you might just be standing too far back for your swing mechanics. Maybe change your stance up you maybe stepping a bit too far behind the club. Take like a micro – quarter foot width forward.

  12. OgAccountForThisPost

    Truth is that nobody can tell you what’s wrong unless they see your swing. Take a video of your swing and watch yourself coming down on the ball, that could help you identify what’s happening.

  13. senorjon21

    Hard to say without seeing your swing but could be you are swaying on your backswing? If you sway too much right on your backswing you move your low point back and you’ll catch it thin on driver. This would be my problem when I caught my drives thin.

  14. One drill that may help was suggested by Marcus Edblad in one of his (many) videos. Hit your 3 or 5 wood with the ball teed to driver height. You will suck for a while, but eventually you will dial it in and, when you tee up your driver, the head will seem huge.

  15. cookie-crumblrr

    This is not a set up or grip issue. You simply need to train your muscle memory to return the club to the correct place. Mini swing by mini swing and slowly grow it until you can consistently find the center of the club face.

  16. Inevitable-Elk-4162

    Try your stance. Ball might be too close to your back foot. Line the ball up with your front heel. I like to concentrate my sight about 4 inches in front of the ball during my entire swing as well.

  17. You are probably chicken winging it a bit. Not having fully extended arms at impact, so it is hitting low on the face (which a coach caught in slow motion captures of me) was exactly the same problem for me.

    You need to start with half swings on a runner tee at a driving range mat. You just do 5 practice swings, always hitting the tee whilst trying to keep the club head low enough to hit the same height tee were there another 3 inches in front of it, hit it 5 times, then try it with a ball. Rinse, wash, repeat.

    It gets you sweeping at the correct height and on an arc path you need.

    Trust me, my man. My driver had zero sky marks, it _does_ have no paint on the bottom of the face because I was going exactly what you are, but worse and just drop shitting it like a tennis player.

    Start slow, no hitting before the 5 successful practice swings at a tee, form over ego and know it’ll take a few sessions before it feels right.

  18. Swissgolfpro

    Better than an idiot mark. Seriously, consider your spine angle through impact, you’re probably raising up your upper body. People always say to “keep your head down,” but if it was only your head rising, you’d be fine. Your upper body can’t rise without your head rising too. It could also be the dreaded “chicken wing.”

  19. Leraldoe

    I too also use the entire face of my driver to save on fatigue

  20. That screams cutting across the ball in a major way.

  21. yes_maybe_no__

    A feel thing that I work on with my dad when he gets “lost” on his contact, is to set up to the golf ball, set up with the ball dead in your sweet spot. Then pay attention to the feel of where your hands are. How close they are to your thighs. Feel it when you take practice swings. Then go do it.

  22. Is your weight on your back foot during follow through? Seems to me like you’re probably angling your upper body too far back causing you to try to hit up on the ball at an extreme angle. Keep your weight relatively even on both feet. Setting up on the toe can also have the opposite affect since your brain will compensate. Try setting up with the ball closer to the heel.

  23. Dame2Miami

    Let’s see the swing… probably massive early extension and poor weight distribution/shift and likely other issues you need to work first

  24. kkmoney15

    All these comments sound like meseeks trying to teach Jerry how to shave a stroke off his game

  25. gonna_be_famous

    What area of the ball are you focusing your eyes on during your swing?
    You may want to try staring at a lower dimple on the bal of the ball. 

    If you have been looking at the top of the ball, it make explain why the top of the ball is in the center of the club face 

  26. Fun_Sprinkles_2167

    From the mark of the ball, I want to tell you either use a driver with bigger head or stop using softball/foamballs.

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