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Luke Thomas asks Mike Israetel if he should get on TRT.

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  1. I'm mid 30s and have thought about it but I don't wana be dependent on that the rest of my days, maybe in another 10 years

  2. Even still…if your T levels were to come back at or near that lower limit…a decent physician is going to address the sleep issue first and then retest after a few months of consistent sleep first…since teh lower T numbers can be a direct effect of the poor sleep.

  3. Yes get your bloodwork first. Make sure everything is in order, like cholesterol and especially hematocrit (be very hydrated). That is going to go up but not go over the limit if used properly.
    If you are not having symptoms your test is probably around 500 ng/dl. Endocrinologists generally will not put someone on TRT unless they are in hypogonadism, well under 300. Online clinics are a different story. Endocrinologists use 75mg weekly test cyp, this is the advice from the Endocrine Society and usually puts people around 6-700 ng/dl. Clinics start with 200 which for most is a small cycle. I used 125mg for 3 months and when I did labs my test was "+ 1500" and hematocrit was in the red. I had a new doctor once and she was like "oh if you love TRT and lift weights you could try 125mg, you will love it", very liberal and cool (she was from a different country, maybe more relaxed about this issue there?). I did put on size, more than my natty physique would allow. Then she quit and the next doctor was super annoyed about my labs and why I was allowed to use such a high dose. Endocrinologists can be very sensitive about only helping hypogonadism and not being drug dealers for steroids. If I even bring up muscle gains some doctors are like "I don't care about your muscles, how is your symptoms of hypogonadism?".

    My recent endocrinologist says she sees a lot of patients who are on 200mg TRT from clinics with high hematocrit/hemoglobin/testosterone levels. So if you go with a clinic try 75mg and get re-tested in a few months. Most likely you will have good high/normal levels. You will still have to pay for 200mg (they only make 200mg weekly "single dose" vials). Just put the extra 125mg aside. 75mg weekly has my levels around 700 mid-week (from 140ng/dl). Zero side effects.

    125mg weekly had sides, more estrogen conversion (sore nipples, water retention, huge sex drive at first then months later low sex drive). Your body strives for balance and eventually converts more excess test to estradiol. When I dropped back down they all went away, and the gains, very quickly. This is why people using test for bodybuilding start with a "low" dose 250mg and quickly get to 500mg, 1G and so on. To chase the initial rise in androgenic activity. 75mg seems very stable. But I was hypogonadal, not sure what happens when someone with good levels uses that? If you are around 300ng/dl definitely try it out.
    If you are higher, you can always try it out, get bloodwork in 3 months and see how you are and evaluate. But if you are producing enough to be 5-600 ng/dl it will eventually suppress production and you will be doing all this work just to be 6-700, not worth it if you naturally are already around this level.

    People with healthy levels doing clinic 200mg mini cycles are going to run into issues you probably don't want.

  4. It’s over rated honestly. 18 months on the stuff at 37 and just got off. First 6 months were great, but after that the bloating got out of control. Mood swings, non stop horniness, lethargic, not give a shit attitude. Life has been better off of it now.

  5. Luke – lexapro. I have suffered with sleep issues since my late 20s and am 45 as well. Ive tried trazadone and all other meds. Trazadone is a tricyclic antidepressant. Not good. Lexapro is benign and effective.

  6. Serious comment, Luke – you mentioned sleep. If I was a rich man I'd give you enough money to take time from work to fix your sleep. I mean that sincerely. GET YOUR SLEEP FIXED. I have had bad sleep issues since returning from Iraq. My life is one continuous day. The sun coming up or going down means nothing. It wrecks your life. It wrecks your health. I spent most of my life being very healthy. No drugs. Fit. Good diet. No smoking etc. If I didn't start out ahead like that, I'd be dead. In 2013 I had a cardiovascular risk of 0. But with sleep issues, by 2023 I had multiple heart attacks and got 4 stents. Sleep affects everything, including testosterone. Do whatever you need to do and get your sleep fixed. You and your family will be thankful. I wish you well.

  7. Before you guys even think about going on TRT, here are some points to consider:
    1. Countless studies show addressing micronutrient deficiencies like boron, vitamin d, zinc, etc. can increase your testosterone 5x-10x
    2. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol, so make sure you're eating plenty of nutritious fats like red meat, eggs, whole milk, etc. (also gives you micronutrients from point 1)
    3. Testosterone is produced during sleep: try to get at least 8 hours a night.

    So: try eating a healthy, high fat diet and get enough sleep and 99% of you reading this you will start producing high testosterone REGARDLESS OF AGE (that bullshit myth that test drops gradually from 25 is bogus; studies from the 70s showed the average healthy 60 year old male had around 1100ng/dl testosterone levels)

    Here's why you shouldn't jump on TRT until you have exhausted every other option:
    1. You will be reliant on steroids for the rest of your life
    2. You will be renting your masculinity from a bottle
    3. heart disease, cancers, gyno, shrunken balls, acne, being red like that bald fuck Dana White

    Stay natty boys.

  8. Luke you're a smart dude. you are living in a country that has normalised TRT usage. optimise your diet; learn about behavioural thereapy for insomnia and postpone or completely avoid TRT

  9. Shit is expensive and your body adjusts once you start taking it – people need to admit this. Agree with folks who say it is better to adjust diet/exercise to boost levels.

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