I’m actually in the homeowners side on this one

Range owner seems like a dick as presented in the article.

by One_Umpire33


  1. Comfortable_History8

    Sounds like they need flight restricted balls, users won’t be too happy about the really short drives but it’d cheaply solve the problem

  2. Rascal_Rogue

    Owner is right that he can do what he wants on his property but the problem is that its not staying on his property.

    If it was a gun range would people say the houses were at fault for not building their own protection wall?

    Edit: thinking about this is making me hate the owner more, i cant go into my backyard and line up a shot thru my neighbors window and claim no responsibility since i hit the ball while i was in my own yard

  3. Yolo_Swaggins_Yeet

    Berms but no nets.. Wtf? The closest range to me is surrounded by farmers fields with no houses or roads anywhere near it and they’ve still got nets way out

  4. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    The solution here is to tee up the errant balls and fire them back at the range. Maybe if range users started having to duck return fire, the owner would suddenly find the money. Bonus points if they tee the balls up at the owner’s vehicle, office, etc.

    Guy (range owner) definitely comes across as a dick. I can’t understand how netting is too expensive but bringing in material and having is spread and graded is cheaper.

  5. Why not just raise the net a little higher for those who hook or slice

  6. Fuck this range owner. Restrict club use if this is an issue. The fact that he is even fighting this confirms he is a piece of shit.

  7. gregaustex

    Damages sound small enough for small claims – no lawyer required.

    He says he’s not liable – homeowner should let a judge decide and set a precedent.

    Maybe consult a lawyer to prepare. Compile evidence. Lay it out logically and prove damages.

    If they win, remind him that now you’ve shown him he is actually liable and that if someone gets hurt it will be much more serious.

  8. bjaydubya

    It cost more to haul in, shape, and plant dirt than to buy new nets…

  9. just-a-simple-song

    As both a golfer and coming from a family of lawyers I’d sue in a heartbeat.

  10. Known_Profession7393

    The problem here is that we’re not talking about individual golfer negligence. If this range is set up so that the houses are basically in the strike zone—which it sounds like it is given the hundreds of balls—that’s a problem with the range, not the golfers. I wonder if the legal concept of negligent entrustment could apply here. Basically, continuing to give golfers these range balls knowing they’re going to use them to cause damage can make you responsible for that damage.

  11. gibblech

    “What happens on my property, they have no business.”

    …the issue is it’s not CONTAINED to your property you twit

  12. gibblech

    Given the prior owner wasn’t an issue, and with the new one it is… it’s obviously within the new owners ability to prevent the issues.

  13. 95Mechanic

    Nets need replacing if they are not doing the job. Course near me has one tee box where errant drives going left can end up in yards, hit houses etc. But homeowners (many are golfers) don’t want nets as it would spoil their view onto the course? Golf course actually closed one of the tee boxes to help the situation, although they can’t eliminate the issue. I suppose that’s part of living on a golf course.

  14. themiddleshoe

    Owner seems like a dick from the article.

    Seems like it’s only a handful of houses that are in danger zone. The owner of the range has no issues hauling in thousands of truck loads of dirt, but says nets are too expensive?

  15. Langerbanger11

    “It’s really a non-issue” – the owner. What a self-indulged asshole.

  16. ClosetLadyGhost

    Bro if the homeowners setup some sweet as net mechanism the could be making bank

  17. If the owner claims he can’t help balls staying in. I would come up with some sort of potato launcher to launch rocks on his fairways that the mowers can hit

    “Sorry I can’t help when my rocks land from my rock launcher”

  18. Mitch_S4

    Zero remorse. Don’t live on/near a golf course

  19. BoomDonk

    Homeowners should get a golf ball cannon and fire them right back at the pro shop.

  20. AbstinencePlus

    I see that sign claiming I’m responsible for damages, I’m walking right out. Not worth the trouble

  21. cblackwe93

    *“The golfers themselves are legally responsible for where their ball goes,” said McQueen.* 

    So I go to a range **to practice** because I **am bad** and this joker thinks that because he wont net shit in that my errant shot is my responsibility because he wont fork over the money to properly set up his business? Bullshit.

  22. blizzard7788

    I was working on building a foundation for a new home that was across the street from a driving range. The first two days there was one or two balls we noticed that would land on the job site.
    On the third day, while pouring the actual foundation, there was a ball landing about every two minutes. We could see two young guys aiming for us on purpose. I couldn’t leave the job and this was before cell phones, so since one of the balls had hit the concrete truck. The driver radioed in and had the office call the cops.
    The cops got in hem, but I never learned what happened to them.

  23. burkizeb253

    If the range was there first it’s on the homeowners, if the homes were first it’s on the range ownership. If people purchase homes on or near a golf course it’s implied (if you aren’t someone with an IQ of 86 or below) that this going to happen and (like the ones with an IQ below 86) you are retarded if you came to this realization as your window broke.

  24. HighOnGoofballs

    Complete douchebag. “I’m doing more than legally required!” Certainly not morally though

    “I might sound a little bit cranky because I’m doing way more than I even need to do stop these balls,” said McQueen. Clearly he is not

  25. HeuristicEnigma

    Randy McQueen looks like he gives no fucks, has a real cocksure power stance in that photo.

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