I was asked to change my shirt.

My friend invited me to play a round at a course that I have never been to before. We both had the day off of work and I told him last week that I was going to try to play a round on Monday and he said there is a nice place near him that has a deal on non-holiday Mondays.

When I checked in to pay, the guy behind the counter asked if I had a different shirt because they have a rule against branded shirts that aren't golf logos.

I know that I am poor and a trash golfer, but I have NEVER had an experience like that. I was allowed to play but I was asked to make sure that I looked at the dress code next time. I shot a 113 and lost 5 balls, so I doubt they would want me back anyhow.

TL;DR a private course that is open to the public didn't like my shirt.

by MonarchNF


  1. Mr_Evil_Dr_Porkchop

    The fuck? I would never go back there. What constitutes a “golf logo”?

  2. Procrastination4me

    never heard something ridiculous like this

  3. SCalifornia831

    Should have just taken the shirt off and asked if he preferred the man nips or the logo

  4. So you bought a marked up shirt in the pro shop?

  5. tmonehee

    What a joke. Next time this:


  6. CommonSense07

    Golf logo? There’s a fucking eagle on my shirt, like the 4 or 5 I’m going to drop on your shitty little course today – mic drop, walk out

  7. dumpandchange

    Ridiculous. Name and shame please! Leave a review, too. Golf is too big right now so these places can’t really fail (and get away with shit like this), but we as customers can slowly get the word out on poorly run places.

  8. Sobehall

    Usually it’s a collared shirt, never heard of “golf branded” but does that mean I can show up in a Nike workout shirt though?

  9. fckyourcowch

    Fuck that place I need to know the name of the course.

  10. ShotExpression7476

    They were just messing with you. That is not a real thing.

  11. tibbles1

    Tell em it’s a golf logo. 

    American Eagle Golf. 

  12. Total_Paint1755

    I’ve never heard of this. Tucking in your shirt at a private club is common, but not liking your AE logo is just ludicrous.

  13. unicycleguy91

    This is the shit people hate on golf for and they are right

  14. Unfiltered_America

    “Excuse me sir, your look is a class or so too low for our club. Also, your Camry is parked in the wrong lot, cars of the lower class are only allowed park in the employee lot by the maintenance shed.”

  15. AGuyInNorCal1493

    This is Home Owners Association levels of bullshit.

  16. Theonlykd

    What a dumbass thing to be concerned with. I get it if a guy shows up in a McDavid jersey or something (he plays hockey, for the non-fans).. but come on. An American eagle polo? Give your snobby-ass head a shake.

  17. thesneakywalrus

    It’s a rule I’ve seen at a private club, they also would lecture you if you put your shoes on in the parking lot. Unfortunately that’s the cost of doing business with an upscale CC.

    For a *public* course to complain about a logo on your polo is ridiculous, especially when it’s such an unobtrusive one.

  18. Professional-Prior28

    “Excuse me sir, I received this at my home course after getting an eagle on 4…”

  19. Worried_End5250

    Wayne Gretzky played at some event here in Ottawa and they made him buy longer socks because he was showing too much knee

  20. Chest_Advanced

    Some clubs and courses are just so elitist. I was told once when I was literally wearing all golf moisture wicking attire that I needed a belt. I did not need a belt, my shorts were fine as is.

  21. likethevegetable

    Sounds like he was trying to guilt you into buying a shirt from the pro shop? What a piece of shit.

  22. Significant-Cod9245

    Absurd unless the golf course thinks that it’s an Abercrombie store circa 2004

  23. JFC I am THAT GUY when it comes to dress code, decorum, old school golf rules and even I’d say that shirt is totally fine for golf.

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