Golf Tips

What was the golf tip, drill or swing thought that helped with driver distance?

After months of driving <230 yds off the tee I finally figured it out.

Basically my swing thought is “get wide” and try to get my hands as far away as possible on the backswing.

Also watching drives from good players with similar body types helped, eg Ernie Els and Tony Finau helped. I’m 6’ with a 6’ 3” wingspan so if my swing isn’t wide with driver my ball height was like 150ft, now I’m hitting lower draws.

by Competitive-Dig4776


  1. Existing-Ad4933

    Tight muscles are slow muscles. Stay loose and keep a steady tempo.

  2. dunderthebarbarian

    There is no substitute for solid contact.

  3. Ol_Jim_Himself

    I had been struggling with my driving accuracy for a while. I had a great stretch earlier this year with my driver, but lost something somewhere that caused my accuracy and distance to be wildly inconsistent. So I was hitting on the range a few weeks ago and the club pro was walking by. He saw me hit a slice with my driver, walked over, set a ball out about 5 yards to my right and said, “Whoa, that was too steep and almost over the top. Flatten out your backswing and swing towards the ball I dropped.” After 2 swings like that, I was hitting the ball straight at my target and it was carrying 255 yards. In one minute he found the fix I had been searching for for over a month. I knew that you are supposed to have a flat backswing and that you are supposed to swing from inside out, I just had no idea that I wasn’t doing that. Very cool of him to take the time to help out.

  4. DimensionAmbitious94

    Width, tempo, and flexibility. I started at age 40 and at first swung like a baseball bat bc that’s the muscle memory I had. Not fast around 95 mph, bad downward angle of attack, tendency to keep the face open and slice, and a good drive was a 225 yard carry fade. My backswing was too long and my swing was too armsy.

    Learned how to get comfortable backswinging shorter but wider and pause at the top, gather, start the downswing with my hips, and hit up on the ball. Also worked on my hip flexibility which was below average. 3.5 years later my cruising driver speed is about 105 which gets me about a 275 carry on a clean strike and i can max around 108 and push 300 with a little wind help. I don’t get any stronger, but instead more flexible and vastly improved my swing mechanics to achieve this.

  5. calchuchesta

    Tilting my shoulders upwards slightly to help me hit up on the ball

  6. Status_Poet_5947

    I feel like I’m slinging the club head to my target

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