Spotted this in the parking lot yesterday.

It’s a bold statement, but I’m not sure why you’d advertise it.

by jlfpsu


  1. rebuildthedeathstar

    Shows he has a good sense of humor. If the saying is guys in big trucks have small dicks, then you might as well have fun with it.

  2. GolfGodsAreReal

    Op roams parking lots looking for ——

  3. jacob6969

    This is the name of my group chat with my bros from high school lmfao

  4. icecreamdude97

    You don’t tell girls you have a micro penis so they’re pleasantly surprised when you don’t?

  5. GeotusBiden

    I can smell the dv charges and pbr from here.

  6. BigSh0oter

    That’s Southeast Michigan wannabe redneck activity right there

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