Markie Mark is not one of us

Wife sends me Instagram clip of Wahlburg on Conan talking about how he plays a round in 65-75 minutes and that guys that take 5 hours hate their wives, basically.

So now I need to explain why being a single digit handicapper playing with a caddie on a private course like Riveria is dissimilar to me playing on munis on the weekends as a shitty golfer.

I know the debate rather on this sub but a 65 minute round just doesn't sound fun to me.

by Spreadsheetjockey2


  1. Shit_Disturber71

    Blasphemy! 18 holes should take atleast 8-9 hrs.

  2. jaywalkintotheocean

    he’s probably playing as the first out, in a cart, private club. He’s sort infamous for being an early riser, and that kind of money can purchase a lot of perks.

    I can comfortably play a solo walking round in less than two hours if no one is in front of me, but getting up and motivated that early is rough.

  3. dumpandchange

    He’s likely exaggerating the time to try and make the joke, and you’re right, also completely out of touch with weekend public golf.

    If he’s a scratch and say he shoots a 75 and plays in 75 mins or less, he’s hitting a shot every minute. If he’s got a 20 second pre shot routine (including assessing and choosing the club) he’s got 40 seconds to get to each shot. You can take some time off since some of the second putts will be tap ins, but then you add some time for travel between holes. Even if he’s somehow not exaggerating, playing that fast doesn’t sound fun at all.

    It’s hilarious that some wives out there will definitely see this and have some serious conversations with their partners.

  4. helllllllllyeahhhhhh

    Pretty sure he runs while he plays too. That will shave some time off lol

  5. naked_short

    I don’t think 65 minute 18-hole round is feasible if you’re playing every shot. I think my quickest time, solo, is 90 minutes or so in a cart and I was hitting every fairway.

  6. OldGilTully

    playing 65 minute rounds and would have stopped 9/11. what a guy.

  7. > Markie Mark is not one of us

    I think this too, but mainly because I have never committed a hate crime and he has.

  8. MaybeNextYear25

    Was the first one off last Saturday and played in like 2.25 hours and that was kind of perfect. Anything faster and you’re not even enjoying it.

  9. GolfGodsAreReal

    Sounds like his wife has him on a short leash

  10. ljackstar

    If I get the first tee time at my club, and I take a cart, I can finish very comfortably in 120 minutes, and that’s while shooting a 85-95. I imagine you could cut some time off easily if you are breaking 80, although 65 minutes is very fast.

    The real trick is to just not play munis on weekends.

  11. fckyourcowch

    Played 18 the other day in 2 hours and I was cruising solo with no one on the course.

  12. YoungThriftShop

    I think he talking about his private backyard course he has too but he wouldn’t specify. Seems like he is just trying to be “cool” but saying this

  13. MelaniasFavoriteBull

    Always nice to hear from theoretical 9/11 hero Mark Wahlberg

  14. tenderooskies

    i’ve actually heard this psycho does exercise golf and runs the course with his caddy driving. so no, he is not one of us

  15. pistonsoffury

    This assumes that whenever we’re not playing golf, we’re hanging out with our wives?

  16. back_tees

    I’ve played some speed golf rounds. 65-70mins is really really pushing it. I say no way. Unless he’s playing 9.

    I’ve played 18 in about 1:32 twice.
    Front: 0:48.53 (38)
    Back: 0:43.14 (41)

    Front: 0:46.05 (36)
    Back 0:46.07 (41)

    Another time in 1:42
    Front 1:00.00 (40)
    Back 0:42.0 (40)

    Three different courses. All at or under my hc of 8. When I got to the courses I could tell almost nobody was there. Starter confirmed that only a couple of groups were out. I did have to play through groups on each round. Played by the rules tee to cup. No gimmies. With a cart. Try it if you can. It’s fun!

    Walking my fastest is about 2:10 on a hilly spread out course.

  17. Legal_Math4070

    I just want to get ahead of this and say that those of us from Boston do not claim him as one of us

  18. Electronic_Cow_7055

    My wife knows golf is at least a 48hr weekend

  19. seekingallpho

    Whether or not he’s lying/stretching the truth, this is definitely just a flex. MW seems to cultivate an always-grinding business mogul persona who’s up early and does everything. One-hour rounds is just part of that schtick.

    But what’s the point? Golf just isn’t an activity you’re trying to finish as quickly as possible. It’s fun because it’s a blend of competition, challenge, and time outdoors often spent with your friends/family. Speed-running it removes at least one its main draws.

  20. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    How often do you think he has to make a tee time or wait on people? I’m betting hardly at all. If he walks in and wants to play golf, he gets a tee time right now and probably juices the register person an extra hundo to not schedule anyone behind him for 30-45 minutes and the course Marshall probably hurries along the group ahead.

  21. KaptainKool

    Yeah it’s easy to say when you’re at a private club with 2 or 3 caddies/ helpers. When I played at the summit club, where he is a member, I didn’t see another golfer on the front 9.

  22. Alex_Banana69

    Just offer to bring her sometime so she knows it’s impossible and choose a Saturday on any course and she will realize it’s not and that he’s just exaggerating for a bit. He probably loves golf and has a super busy schedule so he plays as the first one and out and just tries to finish as fast as possible.

  23. ElectricSnowBunny

    Maybe I have an outlier wife (and no kids), but she doesn’t give two shits that I’m out for 2 hours or 5. The only thing she cares is I text her on the way home so she can give me her snack order because she’s more than likely half-way through a box of wine and blasting KEXP while painting.

    2 hours is about the fastest I play and I walk.

  24. YNABDisciple

    Why do some wives try to take one 5 hr block a week away from their guys and why do so many guys act like that’s reasonable?

  25. Ok_Squirrel87

    I don’t think even the speed golf guys can finish a round in 65 minutes. Is he talking about putt putt?

  26. AdamOnFirst

    Also he’s definitely fucking lying/exaggerating like he does everything else 

  27. Informal-Wind-9786

    Yeah, but when he was on Ellen he bragged about being able to do 40 clean pull ups, and when they brought out a bar he could do about 8.5? He lies about this stuff.

  28. Nerdicyde

    i wonder how long it takes the Vietnamese guy he almost killed to play a round

  29. ShiroHachiRoku

    Mark Wahlberg is a convicted hate crime perpetrator.

  30. poopymcfarts

    Dude shouldn’t be allowed to carry a club, he might blind someone with it

  31. scurvyandricketts

    Golf is painful enough. Golf should be played quick. It’s like removing a band aid. Rip it off quick and it won’t hurt as bad.

  32. chamtrain1

    I play in 120 minutes, am fast AF, riding, about a 10 hcp. No idea how you would do it in 65 mins.

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