Golf Simulator

How to secure golf net to a concrete floor?

Since the only available space in my house is outdoor, i’m thinking to use this net with garmin R10

My issue is: those space has concrete floor and this net’s is supposed to be anchored to a grass

Any ideas how to anchor this net to concrete floor?

by xhitezelt


  1. wottagunn

    Masonry bits and oversized washers would be the go

  2. solmooth

    Sand bags will work. If you want something permanent, then you can get masonry anchors and drill holes.

  3. Hughzman

    Concrete should be at least 3” deep, probably close to four. Just use a 1.5 or 2” screw. Blow dust out before putting in the screw (don’t get it in your eyes).

  4. Just use sand bags. The net in the picture isn’t going to last very long anyhow. Do you really want to drill up concrete for something temporary? I use sand bags for my net return pro, which has been outside for 5 years and has been through 60mph winds.

  5. ASOG_Recruiter

    A ten pound plate or small sandbag on each side. I wouldn’t tap into your floor unless absolutely needed.

  6. PhilShackleford

    Without knowing more about the slab, I would advise against drilling into it. If it is elevated, there is a chance it will have rebar that is required for strength. Damaging the rebar could cause a lot of issues that are expensive to fix or could require the slab to be replaced.

    Use sandbags. Easier and safer.

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