Golf Simulator

Explain like I’m 5

I am no professional. I’m not even that good of a golfer. I just want to get some interactive feedback and hit more golf balls to hopefully improve my consistency
This is my first look at putting together any sort of golf simulator. After doing some reading, the things pictured are what I have decided might do the job. I already have a low end gaming computer with Windows 10 that is Bluetooth capable.
What is most confusing is all the acronyms and software/computer talk that goes along with this. Is that software the only thing I’m missing here? Will this make baby’s first golf simulator if I get the right software? And if so, what exactly should I be looking at specifically for software? I’m really only interested in a driving range and maybe a few courses and get feedback on distance, ball flight, and maybe spin for now. Very basic. Not looking to spend a ridiculous amount for every course in the world and and all the intricacies of a $10,000 simulator.
Any light you’d be willing shed I would appreciate. Thank you!

by Own_Potato_4763


  1. No_Explanation_6352

    I can’t speak for skytrack but I would assume that skytrack comes with its own proprietary software so yes you could technically be up and hitting if you had a stance mat and a hitting mat and the enclosure for your erant shots. I’ve owned a flight scope Mevo, a Uneekor eyexo and now a TrackMan 4, and they all came with their own software. You can spend some money and get 3rd party software with many more courses like GSPro but you will have to research to see if there is an api avail for Skytrack. An API is simply the bit if software code that takes the data from your skytrack and puts it in say GSPro. With GSpro constantly being sued, it’s hard to say what api’s work and which ones don’t anymore.

    Oh and by the way a $10k simulator would be considered low entry level for golf sims when purchased at retail level. So if you can do it cheaper, kudos. I think you will be very disappointed in the projector you selected and I truly believe you will be swapping that mat in 2-3 weeks after your elbow screams at you.

  2. LeftContact6889

    Fwiw, skytrak is releasing a new version of that launch monitor. Not sure what the difference is, but check their website. Starts shipping 9/20.

    Like the other poster said, absolutely do not cheap out on a mat. You will regret it, both for the feel and for the harm on the body

  3. marvinfuture

    I’ve used that launch monitor before. It’s okay. Nothing special but been around forever. It works but has a delay and will miss shots from time to time. I didn’t like that it didn’t have face and path angles so I upgraded. Well worth it imo but not essential. There is (was?) a GSPro port for it so it’s possible to use that, E6, TGC, and Skytrack’s software.

    I would spend a little more on the hitting mat. It’s going to make the most noticable difference, protect your body, and the cheap option is going to wear like crap quickly.

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