Transfer A Boxers Explosive Power To Your Golf Swing

300 yards made easy.


  1. some real good insight there. i played a lot of hockey when i was a young and to shoot the puck it seemed mostly arms and hands because we were on ice and skates and it was like we would kinda dig our skates into the ice to be stable and then give it a good wack with the hand and arm so i think i have used that action to play golf although i'm trying to do what you say. always working on it and thnx for the help.

  2. Ppl that subscribe to your channel? Just to give you an idea: I am going to turn age 62 very soon, I started playing Golf in 2020 and I love it, PGA Pro I met first 3 yrs explained (neither show, nor demonstrated) to me what to do and not what NOT to do. Zero improvement. Simple waste of time and money. Past two month I got way more valuable input provided by you than from anyone else. In my personal opinion only very few Golf channel deserves to get subscribed. Keep your good work done and don´t get frustrated. Sincerely. Stefan

  3. Thanks Old Golf Pro I'm finding your content really useful. Having played golf for more than 50 years and having tried every swing tip under the sun, it's nice to be able to apply a few simple keys which do actually work, to improve my game.

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