How to fix your golf swing with the Ball flight Laws!


  1. Please don't put that big bloody text on the video. There are subtitles if/when needed. It's very distracting and annoying.

  2. See I've not understood why we do this arch over the ball. Skaters do 180 ollies by twisting the upper body, the lower body will follow the upper body so when they snap the body twists. I bring this up because the way I've approached golf is with this body mechanic in mind and I do more of a pendulum swing where everything follows a straight line and removes the dipping or standing up to quick. Maybe I'm missing something but My shots are wonderful. So I wonder if everyone's golf swings are just unique to them. Overall though. Not a bad quality video, the text is a lil big and distracting the way it highlights. Maybe smaller captions if you want text but a good video. I will be thinking of a few of these the next time I go out.

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