just swing your swing

just swing your swing

by based_sturgis


  1. FireMaster2311

    I don’t really think this is accurate. I know plenty of high handicap around 18 that don’t think much about their swing. Especially when they are drinking. Also that isn’t the scratch thinking, you need to decide between a draw/straight/fade plus height, then do the practice 1/4 or 1/2 swing to get the feel of the swing. I don’t think you can equate over or underthinking to a handicap atleast.

  2. CdubyaAbides

    My swing thought. Smooth smooth. I am playing so much better

  3. NubDestroyer

    In reality I run through all 3 spots on this multiple times per hole, sometimes multiple times while standing over the ball

  4. highcaliberwit

    It’s really about starting to put so much thought into it, that eventually you don’t have to put any thought into it

  5. jondes99

    So very accurate. When I play my best golf, I have no swing thoughts – just target and shot.

  6. GirthyRedEggplant

    I knock 5-10 strokes off a round when I take mushrooms. My own brain is my biggest enemy on the course.

  7. strongrev

    “Before I studied the art, a punch to me was just like a punch, a kick just like a kick. After I learned the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick no longer a kick. Now that I’ve understood the art, a punch is just like a punch, a kick just like a kick. The height of cultivation is really nothing special. It is merely simplicity; the ability to express the utmost with the minimum.” Bruce Lee

  8. Locksport1

    Gotta be the truest thing I’ve recognized about golf. Watch Rahm play with the Bryan bros and it’s essentially this. They’re asking all these questions and he has the technical answers but he literally has times where he just basically says “just hit the shot”

  9. Marke522

    This was happening to me as I was starting to improve, then something happened, and one day I just decided to make the game fun. I started to actually get better when I was no longer making a concious effort to improve. Just relax, trust that I chose the right club, and let it do the work.

  10. CakeNShake1776

    This is how GOLFTEC lessons felt. The analytics was great for identifying the areas that needed work but it also caused me to have 100 pre-swing thoughts trying to make sure everything was in order. The Single plane swing was my savior because once I got the feel for that swing the only thought in my head is “keep my lead arm straight” and swing away.


    I get this is a meme but please if you’re just starting out don’t pay attention to this, it’s terrible advice. When you’re building a habit and practicing something knew, you need to very deliberately practice. Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

  12. biGSiZzIn

    “All about rhythm and timing”-John Daly

  13. cyberbro256

    Hahahaha yeah the difference so eloquently expressed here is: have fewer “swing thoughts”. The pros talk about it, it’s a real thing.

  14. FormerDimer

    Swing thoughts are for the range, but once you’re on course… just golf your ball, bro!

  15. makeflippyfloppy

    You can have swing thoughts, but literally only have 1 at a time when playing. Anything more than that your brain won’t work that fast and you’ll overthink it

  16. Shesaidshewaslvl18

    Don’t think, just do.

    -Pete Mitchell


  17. rigatoni-man

    I can hit it perfect every time. All I need is:

    – a fresh glove
    – the perfect tee height
    – remember the perfect grip
    – keep the right elbow in
    – don’t bend the left
    – “drag it back” slow
    – rotate the shoulders
    – flex the wrist down a little at the top
    – don’t fuck it up coming down

    Boom perfect. Easy.

    – oh shit I forgot to start with my right shoulder lower

  18. AggressiveChemical6

    At any point in time you should never have more than or less than one swing thought

  19. AndyAndyAndy22

    So very true. My only swing thought is “take a divot” because my miss has always been thin. With a driver I just pick the side of the fairway I want to hit and let it fly. These new drivers are insanely forgiving so if you hit it near the middle of the face it’s going to pretty much go where you want it to.

  20. todjo929

    The range is the place for dialling in your swing and thinking about your swing.

    When you’re playing, let the muscle memory of your practice at the range kick in.

    If you still suck, you need more time at the range and/or lessons. Trying to “fix” your swing on the course never works out well – my buddy (5hcp) has been rough the last few months and is constantly trying to fix his swing mid round, and it means he ends up with a 2 way miss all round – duck hook, try to fix and gets block slice, tried to fix and gets pull slice, tries to fix and gets push hooks.

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