This sub.

This sub.

by 12345CodeToMyLuggage


  1. InferiousX

    So true.

    OP: “Hey I mindlessly spent hundreds of dollars!”

    Golf Sub: “Hooray!”

    OP: “Hey I did/learned a new thing that helped my consistency!”

    Golf Sub: “FUCK YOU”

  2. salsacito

    Does a picture of a person taking lessons look as beautiful as a clean cut blade?? I think not

  3. FiveFootFore

    Manufacturers wouldn’t put out new clubs every year if it wasn’t the solution.


  4. texansfan

    Because it’s a bunch of guys that bought clubs instead of taking lessons 😉

  5. LtAldoDurden

    I have no idea what you mean. Literally every post someone says “take lessons.”

  6. LivermoreP1

    Some guy took lessons so I bought new blades.

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