How to Break 80 in Golf Scientifically

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  1. Shot 79 today (granted it was from the “Geezer Tees” but I’m 69) with 31 putts for my lowest score ever. “The Way of the Playa” is science for sure!

  2. Your game & self reflection, actually makes your vids mate.
    It's a genius teaching method, we see you purposefully re-centre & go back to the way, whenever you drift off.

  3. I’ve been watching him for about 8 months now. And I’ve been playing a ton of golf all year. As his recommendation, I stopped watching ANY OTHER golf channel so I could focus on EXACTLY what he talks about. I was a 20 something handicap when I started. I know this because I played with a guy using the SWINGU app. And it calculates it for me. Matt is so smart and has such a great, uplifting approach to the game. It is a totally mental game. About a month ago I broke into the single digits. I bounce around the 7 to 8.5 number now. And it is true. BORING,NOTHING FANCY, GOLF. The minute you make it fancy, you screw it way the hell up. Thank you Matt. It’s been an incredible journey. I’m looking for that 5 now. I broke 80 once. A 77. Rest of time it’s 80s and even get in a negative death spiral from time to time and lose it completely lol. I’ll let you know when I get it!!!!

  4. Wow, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. My median distances suggest I could play to a 5 index. No where close. Reinforces again Matt’s emphasis on how important reducing penalties, 3 putts and poor strategy are. Back to the putting and chipping green.

  5. I’ve never watched one of your videos before and kept thinking why this young guys wife is an old Asian lady the whole time not your caddy

  6. Matty delivering the truth we all need. Breaking 80 is gloriously boring golf. I broke 80 exactly once in my first 24 years of playing golf regularly. The stars aligned that day.

    I have broken 80 75 times in the past 5 years, playing 30-40 rounds/year. The biggest things for me, which is pretty much what Matty says:
    1) I found an instructor that I gelled with. I went through four to find the right one. I haven’t seen him in 3 years, but it was crucial to getting over the hump. Doom scrolling YouTube videos won’t do it.
    2) through practice, I became very good at my short game and partial wedges shots. It’s nice to have a stack of “get out of jail free” cards.
    3) I track my game. I use arccos so I know real distances of each club.
    4) I adapt my game based on constantly changing reality. For two months this year, I leaned on my 7-wood on the tee a lot because of the confidentiality. I started hooking the crap out of it and haven’t been able to fix it on the range. My driver had been better, so I am hitting driver in more places.
    5) manage expectations. If I am only playing once/week or I am playing an unfamiliar course, it’s going to be a fluid situation…probably a short-game day.

    I have gone from a 6.5 to a 3.6 this year for 3 main reasons:
    1) playing 3 times/week
    2) the LEWD system. I never paid much attention to subtle lie analysis before
    3) the Rule of 12 (I use a simplified version)

    Now, I plan to break 80 every round at my home course. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, but I learn something in the process for the next round.

  7. Shot an 82 wednesday. I also had 4 3 putts in a row and 3 lost balls ob. My putting has been my biggest issue lately! Im also just happy to not be snap hooking the driver! Love the content, Playa!

  8. I just chuckle at the thought of all the Thai caddies trying to learn English and what they learn is "Matty English." They're going to get some strange looks.

  9. Hey Matty, love your work!
    But what’s all this “confidential” business??? Being confident is completely different to being confidential – they mean different things!
    Are you just joshing? 🤔😎

  10. My handicap meanders between about 4.5 and 6.5 depending on the season so this was pretty interesting to compare where I'm at.
    On the Par 5 thing, my home course has five. I have spreadsheeted all scores for the last 43 rounds. My overall average on those Par 5's is +0.16 shots, ie Level Par.
    I have also measured all my Percent Error Indexes with pitching distances between 30 and 100 yards. In my measured practice I score a bit better than the 10% or so given here. But that's probably to be expected as for the one lone shot in a round you might be expected to do a little worse than in your repetitive block practice.
    On the 9 to 6 iron distances, I hit only about 90% of those distances at the 7:39 mark but it's a consistent 90% – I must have a slower swing than most 5 Handicappers?

  11. Last video I commented I wondered what would happen if I placed my ball 240 yards out n fairway every hole vs hitting my driver (all over). 78 … Normally shoot 82-86.

  12. What's the link for the stats you show in the video sometimes? I'd like to get a copy of that table or chart that compares distances between indexes and also what a 'decent drive' is by index.

  13. Did you know Your Boy Scotch Faucet would say hit it as far as you can until it puts a wedge in your hand. So if driver gets you to gap wedge distance but brings too narrow a landing zone into a play, he’d be happy with your 5W or Minnie driver if those leave you a PW in your hands. It’s not simply as long as you can go no matter what. Your strategy mirrors Decade pretty well in most instances I think.

  14. Hi, I played 2-5 times a year for 10 years and never kept score. This April I decided to take it serious and try. I play 18 holes every Friday, got a coach who I see 2-3 times per month and practice 5-7 hours/ week. I shot 108 my first round. 15 rounds later (yesterday) I shot an 83. This channel deserves about half the credit. 😂Thanks for helping with my game. I appreciate it. The videos are great content and funny. Thank you.

  15. Man, I like your videos… The best is this silent woman, doing all your jobs (flags, divots etc) If she is making you sandwiches and opening a beer for you, when you are resting your feet up at home, I'm in love…

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