Anyone see Xander pinch his caddie’s nipple?

Anyone see Xander pinch his caddie’s nipple?

by poolparty487


  1. Alarmed_Usual_5823

    2 major wins later and he’s like fuck it: nip squeezes are happenings, cameras or not

  2. His caddy has a single pierced nipple. You know… a hole in one.

  3. Dizzy-Community5091

    They were colllege teammates. I’m sure there’s been much worse

  4. Fresh_Werewolf_7971

    Buddies use to do that when I was in highschool. Supposed to be like funny hazing I suppose

  5. linksguru

    The altitude will make you do funny things!

  6. Zubrowka182

    Tell us you don’t have guy friends without saying you don’t have guy friends

  7. ShufflingToGlory

    Good spot. Nothing weird about it, if you can’t mess with your bros then who can you mess with?

  8. -notbadthanks-

    My nipples are fcked from this happening too many times at school. The ones where they squeeze their hardest, left in pain

  9. Browndingus1

    It’s a sign of gratitude between dudes in this situation.

  10. donat3ll0

    After college, I was with my roommate in the poker room. We were waiting for our seat and wandered over to the higher limit games. Without looking at him, I say, “Oh man, those orange chips ($1k) make my nips hard,” as I reached over and tweaked his nipple.

    The person next to me was, in fact, not my roommate, and I had just tweaked the nipple of a complete stranger. He sort of gave me a weird, half shocked, half disgusted expression as I tried to explain and then just walked away.

  11. Few-Mastodon2990

    I did that to a girl in the office and I got fired, equality my ass, I’m sick of these double standards.

  12. ghostinawishingwell

    The ol’ lucky nip squeeze, a time honored tradition.

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