Golf Tips

Consistent 200 yard slice

So much spin on the ball 9 times out of 10. 200 yard slice. Every once in a while I’ll hit a perfect straight ball but it’ll be a pull. I feel like my club face is open at impact and the front vid looks like my weight is still loaded back at impact. Anything else I can adjust?

by abag20


  1. Gothewahs

    The club looks open in back swing never kno at impact

  2. PsychologicalSpace50

    Outside in swing path will do that to ya

  3. dccharles84

    You’re swinging your driver like it’s an iron. The driver swing is different. Watch some videos

  4. vkwilliams345

    Few things to fix easy:
    I would YouTube proper stance for a driver.
    I’d widen your stance just by a little bit.
    Your shoulders are aiming left and feet are going right. You want to bring your righ shoulder back/loosen right elbow just a tad.
    You have a forward body tilt at address which if you watch some videos will show you how to fix that, you should be slightly tilting back.
    At impact your shaft is tilted forward, which can cause big slices and if you have your face open. (Forward shaft lean is good at compressing irons but you don’t want that for driver)

    There are other things to work on like your path etc. it would help to get some lessons.

  5. K-stanaclause

    You immediately open the club face when you start your back swing. Likely never closes as much as it needs to. You have a nice swing and can fix this with a bit of work. Try opening your right hand and placing it against the grip and make sure it doesn’t roll open. I also think your stance should be wider and you should focus on your left leg / knee fully extending in the downswing. 

  6. FranticGolf

    At setup the driver at minimum should be lined up at your left foot instep. You have it a bit too far back more like a 5 iron setup. Try this before working on anything else and see how much that helps. Always work on one thing at a time. Working on multiple things together can cause paralysis by analysis.

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