Golf Tips

Any tips for the early extension? Or all the other things wrong.

Any tips for the early extension? Or all the other things wrong.

by Sufficient_Union9262


  1. Spicy_Tac0

    Early extension is the least of your problems here. Your alignment at address is bad, your take away is bad. I would be curious to see the swing from behind, as there is no way any of it is on plane anywhere.

    Edit: Dude, I don’t want to subscribe to your YouTube. Here is a tip that is so common here. Get lessons.

  2. Sufficient_Union9262

    It sucks that it won’t let us post videos in comments. Ive got more, I’ve got a bunch on my YouTube if you want to check it out.

  3. StageGeneral5982

    You’re not early extending. Point the inside of your elbows more to the sky and then grip the club like you are. Address posture probably and then do it all the same

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