DON’T Turn Through The Golf Ball If You Want The Perfect Impact

Turning through the golf ball can result in lots of issues with contact, direction and consistency and this was exactly what was holding a recent student of mine back with his golf game. In this video I will explain why you should not simply be turning through the golf ball

There will also be some really simple drills and exercises that you can do yourself to feel and learn the correct movements that should be in your golf swing.

Once you understand and learn these key movements you will see a drastic difference in the quality of your shots as a result f you getting into the perfect impact.

#turn #golfswing #golftips



GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)

Hack Motion




✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.


00:00 Introduction
00:20 Why Turning Is Bad
03:09 How To Make The Perfect Downswing
05:51 The Water Bottle Drill


  1. My boyfriend suggested we try a new sex toy. It ended with us reading the instruction manual like it was a complicated piece of IKEA furniture. Assembly required, indeed💞

  2. No sliding necessary, just learn how to use the brakes on both sides of you correctly. Trail brake keeps you from over swinging in the takeaway and if done correctly it will push you into the target side brake in one fluid motion. Very few understand the braking system in the golf motion and that is a fact, or if they do they don’t explain it.

  3. It's like you followed me around for my round this morning… knew something was off with the shoulders turning too much – this explains it perfectly!

  4. Hallelujah Chris!! As a senior hacker(picked up club late in life)in midwest(short golfing season) that's read thousands of articles and watched countless hrs. of videos….this is the greatest "ahaa" golf tip I've ever come across! I literally shouted…"That's my swing, that's why my feet do what they do, that's why I'm always trying to manipulate the club with my hands to make contact and square the club face, that's why I slice one shot and pull the next!" I'm jumping on those drills….any further advice on how to eradicate those exact old muscle memories? Final comment…great athletes don't necessarily make good coaches….but you sir, are a great communicator and teacher! Thank you!

  5. Thank you!! That takes care of the irons…but what about the driver…do you have a video of why we do the same thing with the driver? Is the weight shut still the same?

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